Part 1: Death in the Upper City Plot in Savaged Eberron | World Anvil
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Part 1: Death in the Upper City

Start your campaign by determining why the PCs are in Sharn, how long they’ve been here, and what they’re doing in the city. Building connections between the PCs also helps set the stage for adventures to come.   This adventure begins as the PCs wander the skybridges and tower balconies of Sharn’s upper city after dark. They could be purposely on their way to a specific location, or they can be exploring the high towers with no distinct destination in mind. Then, as so often happens to adventurers in Sharn, they stumble across a dead body.

Plot points/Scenes

Out in on a late rainy nite the party will be the unwitting witnesses to a murder. Soon attacked by the murder, the party must defend themselves. And then defend themselves from the Sharn Watch over charges of murder.   The party with be confronted for the murder by the Sharn Watch. They must find a way to talk themselves out of going to prison for a time.     After getting free from the Sharn Watch, the party will be called to the Broken Anvil Inn to learn more about the murder they witnessed. There Lady Elaydren Vown d'Cannith will hire them to recover a lost House Cannith schema, setting the stage for the rest of the adventure.  



The party will have survived, and encountered a benefactor that sends them into the Depths to find the lost schema.






Investigation, Combat / Engagement, Discussion / Interaction, Meeting / Introduction with cast (NPC)
Bloody Bridge
Broken Anvil Inn

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Cover image: Magic of Eberron by Wayne Reynolds

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