Broken Anvil Inn Building / Landmark in Savaged Eberron | World Anvil
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Broken Anvil Inn

The Broken Anvil Inn is located in the Mason's Tower, carved into a bend in the tower wall. A sign above the door indicates that the establishment belongs to House Ghallanda. Inside, everbright lanterns at either end of the room provide flickering illumination. A round table is set to either side of the entrance, and three longer tables are scattered throughout the room.​


There’s a few gaming tables and a small stage. While most services are modest or poor in quality, there is a single comfortable room.


Eranna d’Ghallanda runs the inn; she’s kind, honest, and much beloved in the district. The Anvil is on the west side of the Bridge and is a common hangout for Boromar allies.​ There’s a dwarf comedian who’s been doing the same act for sixty years


​The Anvil was once The Golden Anvil, House Ghallanda faded and forgotten, but it still has traces of its former glory.


  • Broken Anvil Inn
Alternative Names
The Golden Anvil, The Anvil
Parent Location
Owning Organization
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Cover image: Magic of Eberron by Wayne Reynolds

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