Middle Tavick's Landing Settlement in Savaged Eberron | World Anvil
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Middle Tavick's Landing

Middle Tavick’s Landing has something for everyone. It is a crossroads for travelers, traders, and explorers, and includes a host of inns, taverns, shops, and reasonably priced residences. With a few notable exceptions—namely, the Graywall district—the people of Middle Tavick’s Landing are generally friendly and welcoming toward outsiders, quite unlike their counterparts in the upper ward.   In contrast to the upper ward, Middle Tavick’s Landing welcomes travelers and tourists. There’s a host of lively taverns and excellent inns. The Cornerstone is a massive arena that hosts everything from circuses to aerial jousting. The Deathsgate district caters to adventurers, much like the Clifftop district of Upper Dura. Like Clifftop, it has an adventurer's guild—though the Deathsgate Guild has a dark reputation, and its members often pick fights with Clifftop adventurers. House Jorasco has a large house of healing in the ward, and House Deneith has a recruiting station for would-be mercenaries. The Graywall district has deep roots in Karrnathi culture that predate the Last War, and Slogar’s and The Bloody Mug are places where you can find blood sausage and Nightwood ale. Tavick’s Market is one of Sharn’s main market districts; it’s right above Terminus station and is a source for produce and goods brought in by local farmers.


Social Class: Lower middle class
Character: An eclectic blend of businesses and residences catering to people from all levels of society.

Industry & Trade

Businesses: A wide range of trades and goods, ranging from magic and exotic adventuring gear in Deathsgate to livestock and produce in Tavick’s Market; gold piece limit: 35,000 gp


Districts: Inns, marketplace, average residences (2), adventurer’s quarter, apartment homes, tavern district


  • Sharn - Middle Tavick's landing
Location under
Key Personalities:
Karr’Aashta (NE male human rogue 5/master inquisitive 2)
Janus Besimir (N male human sorcerer 2/commoner 2)
Lan Hazal (LN male human adept 18)
Myssian (NE female human expert 5)
Fara Lin Nessian (N female gnome magewright 8)
“Redblade” Rraac (NE male half-orc barbarian 4/adept 1)

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Cover image: Magic of Eberron by Wayne Reynolds

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