Ezenfor, Fish King Character in Sanctum | World Anvil
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Ezenfor, Fish King

Ezenfor is a whale. When the Elplipdopil tribe were struck by a curse, the first thing they did was start worshiping a whale. Then the whale became confused for the first time in his life. It has stayed like that ever sense.   Should the party interact with Ezenfor, Ezenfor will ask the party to perform a ritual he believes they can do with his help in order to lift the madness from the Kuo-Toa and send him back to the way he was.   In order to do that they need to do a quick jaunt about two miles to the east and find an Eladrin sage that calls themselves Risaldis and retrieve the mixture they have been working on.   They will find Risaldis at a sort of moonshine still in a swamp pool where blessed waters flow. He hopes to present the final mixture as his tribute for the Court of Cups at years end.   The party will need to retrieve the potion from Risaldis and bring it back to relieve the curse.   If the party keeps it for some reason, it is a potion of Remove Curse
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