Sonri Species in Salkur | World Anvil
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Sonri (s-AA-n-r-ee)

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The Sonri are a race of sentient creatures who live in the Koyari Forest. They are known by humans as Elves, but feel no attatchment to the term, beliveing it to be a human term, and thus ignorant of their culture and its heritage.  

Nature's Children

The Sonri share a deep connection with nature, and feel themselves to be closer to plants than humans, despite their biology and evolutionary history. Their connection to nature is manifest in the way they Express their Sarik. The Sonri can change the growth rate of plant, move them with their will, or send communications via Kayotoki (k-AA-y-oe-t-OE-k-ee), a special language which they can use to talk to plants. Due to their bond with the natural world, they feel very protective of plants, and will often defend even the smallest of ferns from being damaged.

Living Conditions

The Sonri live in the Koyari Forest, south of the Saldak Lake. They protect it from all creatures who might wish to harm it, including humans. They live in structures called tomariin (t-oe-m-aa-r-EE-ih-n), which are blue and yellow huts built off of the ground, around the trunk of a tree. The tomariin are built off the ground because of the Sonri's desire not to hurt the grass. The Sonri eat from the fruit and vegetables that grow in their forest, and drink from the Dalkug River, which runs through the northeastern part of the forest.


The Sonri are mostly peaceful, but are feircely protective of their plants. They are led by the Norakiyach (n-oe-r-AA-k-ee-aa-ch), a king-like position which is passed down through bloodlines. The Norakiyach has the ability to declare any law, and to judge anybody they want. They are advised by the Tonasi (t-oe-n-aa-s-EE) Council, which is made up of nine advisors, voted into the position by the rest of the Sonri. The tomarii of the Norakiyach spans two trees, and has room for all of the normal parts of a tomarii, such as bedrooms, living areas, and eating areas, along with areas to judge over cases, have an audience with the rest of the Sonri, and meet with the Tonasi Council. After the death of the Norakiyach, their spouse takes the position. If their spouse is dead, then the position goes to their oldest sibling, followed by their children. If a Norakiyach dies without spouse, siblings, or children, then their bloodline is traced back up to their closest living relative. The Sonri belive that death brings one closer to nature. When a Sonri dies, they are buried at the foot of their tomarii-chiyak (t-oe-m-aa-r-EE-ch-EE-AA-k), the tree upon which their tomarii is built, and their Sarik is said to fertilize the ground and make the tomarii-chiyak grow strong.

Basic Information


The Sonri are humanoids.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Sonri eat only plants and drink only water.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Most found in Koyari Forest, others occasionally found elsewhere.

Average Intelligence


Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Sonri can communicate with each other via plants, using a language called Kayotoki.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Ko' (k-OE) comes before male names, and Ro' (r-OE) before female. Once married, the prefex La is added on, so that Ko' becomes Lako' (l-a-k-OE), and Ro' becomes Laro' (l-a-r-OE). Children are suffixed as follows, going from oldest to youngest: 'Oyi (OE-y-ee), 'Kochay (k-OE-ch-aa-y), 'Manoras (m-aa-n-OE-r-aa-s), 'Sok (s-OE-k), 'Sanot (s-aa-n-OE-t), 'Kira (k-ee-r-AA), 'Yant (y-AA-n-t), 'Rinam (r-ee-n-AA-m), and 'Rik (r-EE-k).

Beauty Ideals

Longer hair is considered to be more ideal. Females can make themselves appears more beautiful by braiding flowers in their hair, and males by twining in short branches.

Courtship Ideals

Once a Sonri decides to marry another, they take a twig from their tomarii-chiyak and braid it horizontally at their fiance's hairline. At their wedding, they braid two more twigs vertically on either side.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The common language of Salkur and Kayotoki.

Common Dress Code

Tunics and loose pants woven from thin vines.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

They interact rarely with humans, and consider them to be unintelligent in the ways of nature. They are not outright hostile, but do not need a lot of provoking to attack.
Scientific Name
Sonriin Kayo (s-AA-n-r-ee-IH-n | k-AA-y-oe)
180 years
Average Height
6"3 in.
Average Weight
110 lb.
Average Physique
Well-muscled and lithe
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Skin ranges from a pale whitish-green (#e4f2e1), to a bright green (#0cf246), to a dark green (#135e1e).
Blood is dark green.
Eyes can be green, brown, or yellow.
The hair of the Sonri are dark black, and after about 1.5 feet, grow into green vines. It is customary to never cut one's hair, and those who do so are considered dangerous and outcast.
Geographic Distribution

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