The Golden Mug Building / Landmark in Salira | World Anvil
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The Golden Mug

The Golden Mug is located in the townsquare, along Stonechain road. The building is made of rich warm lumber with a golden hue, and almost a shine to it’s surface. It’s much bigger than the Rusted Corner, with two floors and a balcony. The bar hugs the long wall, with shelves and shelves of ale, whiskey, liquor and alcohols of all types and flavors.   The Golden Mug is run by a Halfling by the name of Nuri Barktoes, a jovial and fat halfling. He has blond muttonchops that cover his cheeks. The top of his head is mostly bald, framed by brilliant blond hair on the sides. His cheeks always seem to be a deep ruddy red, split by a massive grin.
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