Nikanoan Ethnicity in Saera | World Anvil
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The Nikanoans were remarkable and enigmatic people, known throughout the world of Saera for their profound connection to magic and their deep understanding of the arcane arts. They ruled the lands now known as the Outlands in the first age and as far as modern-day Ardinia. Before their tragic encounter with the Demon Lord Gethrax, they flourished as a highly advanced civilization and were respected as some of the most powerful mages in existence.   The Nikanoans were renowned for their mastery of arcane arts, and the Tower of Wyze stood as a symbol of their magical might. Although the tower now lies in ruins, the remnants of their knowledge and magical artifacts scattered across the wasteland have become highly sought after by adventurers, scholars, and ambitious mages. These artifacts hold powerful secrets and the potential to reshape the world if discovered and wielded responsibly.  


The Nikanoans began as a collection of human tribes originating in what is now the Outlands, they were some of the first humans to emerge from the Valkamakea, vaults presumably built by a mysterious highly, advanced race known only as the Ancients.   Even in the early Emergence era when humanity knew little of the intricacies of Vitae or magical energy at that, the Nikanoans were curious folk and renowned sorcerers for the time. They quickly made a domain for themselves in their ancestral heartlands which at the time was lush and full of life.   When the elves arrived on western Saera they brought with them vast knowledge regarding the realm of magic and the Arda. Many human realms in the West would welcome these first elves in as their rulers, seeing them as gifts from the land for the "miracles" they were able to produce with their arcane wisdom. The Nikanoans were no different in this matter however, instead of giving up their lands to these new elite they would intermarry with the elves creating the first half-elves.  
This new iteration of the Nikanoans led by a group of powerful and wise sorcerers, the Jezzarai, established their center of power in a secluded and hidden region. They named this land "Jezzar," which means "Haven of the Wise" in an ancient language now lost to time. Here, they founded the Tower of Wyze, a colossal structure that would become the heart of their civilization and a beacon of magical knowledge.   Over centuries of study and practice, the Jezzarai honed their magical abilities to unprecedented levels. They delved into the deepest mysteries of the arcane arts, mastering complex spells, and creating powerful magical artifacts. Their reputation as some of the most skilled and knowledgeable mages spread throughout Saera, attracting scholars and adventurers from far and wide.
by EmperorDrako via Playground AI
One of the darkest eras of Nikanoan history was under the rule of Aeternitas, he was known for leading the Nikanoans into the Dreaming realm Aontas where they sacked the Dreaming City and slew the god Ailrun, subjecting his realm to ruin. This was the first known instance of the death of a god and although this event would cause Aeternitas to effectively ascend to godhood, most of his men would perish as a result of Ailrun's death and would become the first Nightmares.   Aeternitas' newfound strength would not last long and he would eventually be restrained and devoured by the Ghyrmae. This cataclysmic failure would leave a deep stain upon Nikanoa and the ruling family would be abolished as a result allowing the Jezzzarai to gain power.   As the Jezzarai's influence grew, they took on a role as protectors of the natural order. They intervened in conflicts to prevent catastrophic magical disasters and to thwart the misuse of powerful artifacts. Their actions were not driven by a desire for dominance but rather a commitment to preserving the world's equilibrium.   However, as their knowledge and power expanded, the Jezzarai became increasingly cautious about sharing their secrets with outsiders. They feared that the misuse of their knowledge could lead to catastrophic consequences. Thus, they chose a path of seclusion, limiting contact with other civilizations and guarding the location of the Tower of Wyze with powerful wards.   The zenith of the Nikanoan civilization would prove to be their most challenging moment. When the Demon lord, Gethrax the Drowned, ascended at the Tower of Wyze, the Jezzarai magi faced their greatest test. In a desperate bid to save Saera from this malevolent threat, they united their power to confront the demon, resulting in the cataclysmic battle that devastated their civilization.   The battle with the Demon ended in success, with Gethrax seemingly vanquished. However, the cost was immense. All the Elder mages of Jezzar either went missing or perished, leaving their civilization in ruins. The land surrounding the Tower of Wyze was transformed into a wasteland, forever altering the landscape of Jezzar.   However, this would not spell the end for the Nikanoans as a civilization while the Jezzar were lost the Nikanoans managed to recover a boon from the body of the slain Gethrax, his heart which is said to overflow with an insurmountable volume of water. With this artifact, the Nikanoans sought to revive the lands they lost to the Great Ruination but because most of the remaining magi were still either former apprentices or low-rank magi they could not effectively control the heart, and their meddling would cause it to engulf a large chunk of land between the modern day continents of Opirion and Nikanoa, which is named after them, creating the Shattered islands and the Sea of Echoes.   The purpose for which the Jezzerai stood to uphold would be the downfall of their nation, the misuse of the Heart would be the final blow to potentially the greatest civilization to stand on Saera.  
"Some say the Jezzarai's seclusion is a sign of their arrogance, believing themselves to be above the concerns of lesser civilizations."


by EmperorDrako via Playground AI
The Nikanoans are credited to be the originators of modern magical practices and techniques. Their ability to harness and manipulate magical energies was awe-inspiring, and they were sought after as teachers and advisors by mages from other lands.   The center of their civilization was the fabled Tower of Wyze, a colossal structure that stood as a beacon of knowledge and power. This tower housed vast libraries of arcane tomes, priceless artifacts, and relics from bygone ages. It was both a place of learning and a symbol of the Nikanoans' influence in the world.   The Nikanoans valued the collective wisdom of their people. Decisions were made through consensus, and important matters were deliberated upon by the elders, who were the most experienced and knowledgeable mages in the civilization.
While they were willing to share some aspects of their knowledge with the outside world, the Nikanoans were generally reclusive and guarded their most powerful secrets closely. The location of the Tower of Wyze was well-protected, and outsiders rarely gained access to its inner sanctum.   The architecture of Nikanoan structures was intricately intertwined with magic. Their buildings often seemed to meld with the natural landscape and were adorned with mystical symbols and enchantments. The aesthetics of their civilization reflected their deep connection to the arcane.   Passing down knowledge was highly valued among the Nikanoan. Young mages were apprenticed to experienced masters to receive training in the magical arts. This ensured the preservation of their traditions and helped maintain their legacy across generations.   Despite the fall of Nikanoa and the tragic outcome of their battle with the Demon Gethrax, the Nikanoan legacy lives on through the influence they had on the world's understanding and practice of magic. Their culture left an indelible mark, inspiring new generations of mages to reach for greatness and wield magic responsibly, always aware of the potential consequences of their actions.
by EmperorDrako via Playground AI

Tower of Wyze

The Tower of Wyze was a colossal and magnificent structure at the heart of the Nikanoan civilization, known for its mastery of magic. It stood as a symbol of their profound knowledge and skill in the arcane arts. Enchanted with powerful wards, the tower housed vast libraries, laboratories, and training grounds. The Inner Sanctum held the most profound magical secrets accessible only to trusted magi. However, a cataclysmic battle with the Demon Gethrax left the tower in ruins, leading to the disappearance or death of the Jezzarai's most powerful mages. Despite its downfall, the tower's legacy endures through its influence on magic and its mystical allure in the world of Saera.   The tower itself projects a mysterious field thought to affect space-time/reality. this field covers an area of a few hundred meters and the tower is said to appear inside this area at random points, appearing to “jump” at random times, sometimes even appearing in multiple locations at once inside the active area. Internally, the space appears to be unlimited, with the tower at the “center”.   The tower is impossible to reach due to the “emitted effect”. This has given it the nickname the Weytower of Man for its similarities to the Weytowers scattered across Saera.  
"The Tower of Wyze looms in the distance, an enigmatic sentinel of ancient knowledge, its secrets hidden behind its impenetrable facade."
by EmperorDrako via Playground AI

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