Mind Searer Profession in Saera | World Anvil
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Mind Searer

Mind searing is a drastic and controversial practice in which a person's memories are deliberately and completely wiped away. It involves the use of powerful magic or advanced techniques to erase all recollections, experiences, and personal identities stored within an individual's mind. The process of mind searing typically targets the specific areas of the brain responsible for memory formation and storage. Through the manipulation of magical energies or advanced technology, these areas are subjected to intense and focused energy, effectively obliterating the neural connections that hold memories.   Mind searing can be a traumatic and irreversible procedure, with significant consequences for the individual undergoing it. The complete erasure of memories not only eliminates the recollection of traumatic or undesirable events but also wipes away personal history, relationships, skills, and emotions tied to those memories. It essentially resets a person's mind, leaving them devoid of their previous identity and life experiences.   Due to its extreme nature, mind searing is typically regarded as a last resort or a desperate measure in situations where memories are considered too burdensome, dangerous, or threatening. Mind searing may have been employed to alleviate the mental instability and potential danger faced by mages who have engaged in multiple kynslayings (See Kynslaying).   However, mind searing is surrounded by ethical dilemmas and concerns. It raises questions about the erasure of personal autonomy, the right to one's own memories and experiences, and the potential loss of personal identity. Furthermore, the absence of memories can result in severe psychological and emotional consequences, leaving the individual grappling with a sense of emptiness, confusion, and loss.   The advent of memory transfer, as an alternative approach, has emerged as a more controlled and sustainable method of managing overwhelming memories. Instead of resorting to the extreme measure of mind searing, memory transfer allows individuals to selectively store and control their memories, preserving personal history while addressing the psychological burdens associated with traumatic experiences.   In summary, mind searing is the drastic act of completely erasing a person's memories. While it may have been employed in the past to deal with the mental strain of traumatic events, the emergence of memory transfer has presented a more compassionate and sustainable alternative in managing memories and promoting personal well-being.

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Cover image: by EmperorDrako via Playground AI


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