Sacred vesarca Miners' Revolt
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Miners' Revolt

Military action


On the 25th of Altair, 7789, serf miners of the County of Liadres rebelled against their liege Count Alpheratz Valensong and seized control of the asteroid. Through the efforts of Chief Engineer Baasha ov Liadres, the rebels modified the immense mining lasers used to penetrate Liadres' crust and turned them on the garrison, quickly overwhelming them. Turning these great weapons to the skies, they made any attempt to land on and retake the asteroid a suicidal prospect.   When the Count received credible intelligence that the rebels could further extend the range of the lasers to strike at nearby Rostu, Alpheratz petitioned the Lancers for aid. Chief Messenger Arisa Saiph dispatched the 7th Lancer Wing to open a beachhead for Alpheratz's reinforcements.   On Menkalinan 12th, using an unmanned dropship as a decoy, the Lancers slipped onto the asteroid's surface and captured a mining laser, opening a way for reinforcements. After Alpheratz's forces landed, the Lancers were dispatched to rescue the Steward-Mayor of Liadres, Richling, and the remnants of the garrison from their hideout in an abandoned mining facility. Coming under heavy attack by rebels, the Lancers managed to extract Richling and several surviving soldiers just in time.   The revolt is ongoing.

Related timelines & articles
Annals of the 7th Holy Lancer Wing