Tersish Language in Rusem | World Anvil
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Opening lines of the Saga of King Bairaz the first king of the taersians   Hwaet! We Tersa in geardagum, theodcyninga, thrym gefrunon, hu dha aethelingas ellen fremedon. Oft Ketil Scefing sceathena threatum, monegum maegthum, meodosetla ofteah, egsode eorlas, sydhan aerest weardh feasceaft funden, he thaes frofre gebad - weox under wolcnum - weordhmyndum thah odh thaet him aeghwylc thara ymbsittendra ofer hronrade hyran scolde, gomban gyldan: thaet waes god cyning.   Translation: Listen! We the Tersians in the days of yore, we of those clan kings, heard of their glory, and what honour the young lords won! Often Ketil son of Scef from enemy hosts, from many a tribe, seized the mead-bench, terrorising the earls after first being helpless and destitute, he then knew recompense for that – he waxed under the clouds, throve in honour, until reaching the bordering tribes, beyond the Whale-road, had to submit and yield tribute: that was a good king!

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