Session 16: Drinking Songs Report in Runehammer | World Anvil
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Session 16: Drinking Songs

General Summary

October 18th 1896 P.M.E., Bandit's Breach

The feast continues and Mork keeps up his façade as Benji Bormatothe. Benji is kicked down the toilet by Yera. Yera gets drunk and sleeps in the gutter for the night. Mork and Benji's body guard sleep in rather derelict accommodations, likely one of the cells in the palace's dungeon. Snasil and Osric are granted luxury accommodations in the royal palace.

October 19th, 1896, P.M.E., Bandit's Breach

Morning comes and the party leaves the palace rather quickly to try and get a good view of the wedding. The party headed to the Electrum Pitcher Tavern & Inn to get breakfast. Snasil tried to sell a mirror he stole from the palace to the Barkeep, Ben. Ben declined, saying that he was looking for information from the palace, not material goods. The party then asked for somewhere to buy poison, Ben recommended a fence named Ratakan. Osric and Snasil headed to the wedding and got a spot on a local's roof. Mork and Yera go buy some poison from Ratakan in the Rogues' Farthing. The pair then goes to the wedding area, budging their way up to the front and attempt to convince the guards that they are supposed to be on the stage with the other nobles. Their attempt to persuade the guards fails and they attend the event stuck in the large crowd. Despite the joyous crowd, the music from the quartet was grim and haunting. At the end of the ceremony, banners were dropped revealing the heraldry of the new Barony of Osset, to be lead by the groom, Baron Bailiff Gorag Goldcrown. The Elven Khanate and Barony of Osset have cemented a military alliance with this union.

The party then heads to the Electrum Pitcher once again, to get drunk. A large military force was seen leaving the city out the Merchant's way road. Mork pulled aside one of the sergeants, using his disguise as a noble as leverage. The sergeant divulges minimal information other than that they are heading to Osset and that "there will be many campaigns to come". Mork groups up with the party outside the Electrum Pitcher. This time there is a line outside and the place is packed. Yera budges to the front of the line and the party follows. Upon entering the main lounge, they are greeted by a drunken crowd cheering and dancing as the wedding band takes the stage. The band begins playing a somewhat distorted version of the song they played for the wedding. This time their gaze is locked on the party. Embers burn in their eyes, small horns part their hairlines, and their voices are unnaturally deep. The tongue that they are singing in is not known to the party. After the song comes to an end, Mork approaches the band, their appearance has returned to that of normal half-elves. The vocalist is very friendly, conversing with Mork as the band packs up their instruments. When asked who they are he says that they are called Dite [Dee-tay] Quartet and introduces each of the members: Paynim (himself, Vocalist), Ulysses (Fiddler), Giacomo (Lyrist), and Edicius (Lutenist). Before he leaves he vaguely mentions someone trying to send him a message and he tips his hat in front of Mork as though he was asking for a tip. Mork remains stoically poised, Paynim slowly retracts his hat, putting it on his head and bidding Mork a good day as the Quartet leaves the tavern.

The party then talked to Ben, saying that they have inside information about Baron Gorag Goldcrown that they would like to sell to the Fallencloaks. After some convincing he agreed to connect them to a smuggler who will get them to Osset to deliver the info, for a price, of course. Later in the evening, Benji's body guard came into the Inn asking to see Mork outside and that it was urgent. Mork stepped outside to see a company of Khan's Guard, weapons drawn, standing beside the goblin mercenary. The mercenary points at Mork and tells the guards to sieze him.

Rewards Granted

Type J Poison: Injected, 1d4 Minute (rounds) onset, Death or 20 damage on successful poison save.


Wedding Song Tavern Song
Report Date
08 Feb 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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