Thelped, Gray Render Species in Rosewater | World Anvil
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Thelped, Gray Render

Imagine if you will, a hairless bear that walks on two feet and carries itself like a drunkard. Now Imagine said bear had twice the strength of an actual bear and had seven eyes. Now imagine said superior bear not only acted like a drunk person, but an extremely anxiety and compulsive ridden drunkard who doesn't like policemen touching his favorite liquor. Now, finally, imagine you are the favorite liquor, and the cute bar-maid is a policeman.

Basic Information


A thelped is a distinctively large, hairless, semi humanoid creature, much bigger than a man. With clawed feet like a man's in nature, it has six long toes with two stout trunk like legs. From there, it's rib cage comprises much of it's torso as a whole, however the area between these ribs are flexible enough that a thelped can bend over enough as it needs too. From here, it has two massive arms that aids in walking which lead to wide clawed hands similar to that of a bears, much like an ape in the way it uses it's hands and arms that aid in walking. Following this upward is a wide and powerful neck, leading to a bear like head. This head has a mouth full of sharp teeth in the front, followed by molars lining the middle and back. Above the mouth is a snout and two sets of three eyes in each set, with one set on each side of the head. However, in the middle of the skull is a single larger eye, allowing the thelped to see directly in front of it. Overall, Gray renders appear to be a monstrous mix of a massive ape and powerful bear.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Thepeds have exceptional eye sight, capable of seeing long distance in both regular, dim and dark lighting's. Even so, not only does it have a line of sight all around it save for directly behind it, but a number of eyes allowing it to see even if one eye is wounded. It is unknown exactly why there is a central eye, but many suspect it is because thelpeds require the ability to see directly in front of it for combat purposes in comparison to simply the sides and nearly the entire front like most other herbivorous creatures.
Scientific Name
Nuvuln Renderun

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