The Drow Highlanders Organization in Rockfall | World Anvil
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The Drow Highlanders

Once the Drow Highlanders were responsible for raiding the surface in search of slaves (or other treasure) to bring back for their house. Many of the Highlanders are third or fourth daughters of powerful noblewomen, too important to ignore or kill, but too inconvenient or ambitious to keep close to home. Since the surface was destroyed 200 years ago, they haven't been able to perform their duties to the same capacity as they once did. Many of them have returned to the cities of their ancestral homes, much to the chagrin of their sisters and mothers. Drow Highlanders bring with them a perspective unusual to most drow, as they have spent significant time among other sorts of people. Many see themselves as outcasts in drow society, despite their belonging to what is considered a noble occupation. Some Highlanders still raid the badlands, occasionally bringing home an orc, or human tribesman. Others take up mercenary work, or volunteer for dangerous missions for their city’s Legionary. In the glory days, Highlanders often formed informal interhouse raiding parties, putting aside ancient familial grudges in favor of capable adventuring skills. Often times such parties would spend months or even years with only each other for company, returning to their home cities only briefly to present their bounty and exchange forced pleasantries with their patrons. Drow Highlanders are not a formal organization, but they share a mutual respect for one another, feeling more at home in the company of former comrades than the noble houses that would rather they stay far afield and far from home. After centuries of limited raiding opportunities, the Highlanders are growing almost as restless as their families are uncomfortable with their continued presence.


Adventuring Party
Parent Organization

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