Moving Lighthouse of the Drudon Sea Building / Landmark in Rivania | World Anvil
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Moving Lighthouse of the Drudon Sea

The Moving Lighthouse is shrouded in mystery. Once the shining feature of the northernmost coastline of the unified continent of Astagan, the lighthouse served as a directional marker for the elven ports of the ancient Astagan Sea. The lighthouse was said to be the oldest structure on the continent and is widely thought to be of elven origin.
  After the Shattering, the lighthouse disappeared entirely. The elves could not locate the structure, and initially assumed it had been lost in the catastrophe. Similarly, the human civilization in the north was unable to locate even the remnants of the lighthouse.
  However, a thousand years after the Shattering, reports of the lighthouse entered the lore. Some reported seeing the lighthouse floating in the Fjoria Sea. Others swore they saw it off the eastern coast of Aleppi.
  But the most interesting story came in 1011 when a lone seafaring half-elf named Miklar claimed to have located the lighthouse in the Sea of Strudd. His story told of severe storms, intense fog, and a moving island akin to a ship. Unfortunately, the record of Miklar's journey has been lost to the archives.
  Despite efforts to find the lighthouse, its location remains unknown.

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