Warlock Spell in Rise of the Bloody Hand | World Anvil
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The New Coldain Enclave has noticed a disturbing trend since the rise of the Bloody Hand of magicians seeking power directly from the Far Realms. Strange entities residing there often grant power, much like the Dragons do, to enterprising individuals willing to make pacts with them. These brave (or foolish) individuals are known as warlocks.  

The Art of the Deal

  The most important skill any warlock must cultivate is the art of deal-making. They must bargain with these entities for power, at least at first, before they become powerful enough with time, knowledge, and practice, to command respect in their own right. These first pacts tend to be more advantageous to the patron than the warlock and are often quite demanding.  

Demonic Patrons

  Demons are the most common patrons of warlocks, due to an ancient accord amongst the denizens of the Far Realms to avoid unwarranted interference on the Realms. The demons offer their warlocks power in exchange for actions taken on their behalf in the Middle Realms. Overbearing patrons often command their warlocks to do terrible things, while others prefer lighter yokes and more freedom. Powerful - or unfortunate - warlocks might have pacts with powerful demon lords, with as much freedom as their power and will allow.  

Other Patrons

  Other powerful inhabitants of the Far Realms, such as the Fair Folk, also enter into pacts with mortals, granting power in exchange for access in a manner similar to the demons. These pacts are uncommon among warlocks, though; while demonology is a well-studied field in the current age, little is known about the desires of creatures more distant.  


  Most warlocks, particulary those with demonic patrons, wear some physical sign of their connection with their patrons. It is usually very conspicious if not hidden, and so most warlocks take pains to hide them, though displeased patrons have been known to cause their warlocks to be known by these marks, called taints by demonologists. They can be anything from a physical mark upon the body to a lingering smell.  


  The powers that warlocks exhibit are as widely varied as the creatures with whom they contract for these powers. A power common to all warlocks is the ability to detect creatures of the brood of the warlock's patron, including other warlocks with a pact to that patron. Another power common to warlocks in good standing with their patron is the ability to summon an avatar of that patron into a summoning circle for further bargaining.   As a warlock grows in trust from his patron and in the will to keep his own mind, he also grows in skill and mastery, assuming he hasn't made the tragic mistake of making a pact with a being too mighty to be mastered. Eventually, the warlock becomes powerful enough to draw the attention of greater patrons and thus, greater power and more beneficial pacts.

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