The Thousand and One Admixtures in Rise of the Bloody Hand | World Anvil
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The Thousand and One Admixtures

The Thousand and One Admixtures is a treatise on alchemy and basic engineering written by Hi-ren scholars that, in essence, boils down the elements of magic into formulae and procedures both simple and complex that anyone can study and replicate. Any learned Hi-ren is expected to have studied at least the first 10 formulae, which detail the creation of simple, yet useful substances, such as mild solvents and acids, glues, and alchemical lights. As the student learns more formulae, he begins to learn where he can substitute and even improvise to create brillant and powerful effects like unto the backwards magic practiced by the Dragonspeakers and the barbarians on mainland Keldun. By observation, Hi-ren alchemists use ether to effect their alchemy, though not one would ever admit to using magic. The last designs in the Admixtures detail steam-powered machinery, currently requiring ether (called "distilled dragon-essence" in the text) to build and power them. The most elaborate of these is a giant steam-powered engine whose only current practical use is as a space heater; some wealthy Hi-ren have these in their homes.

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