Rank Structure Military Formation in Rise of the Bloody Hand | World Anvil
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Rank Structure

The Bloody Hand

  At the top of the hierarchy, of course, is the Bloody Hand himself, commanding and ruling from his citadel-fortress in Steyis 

The High Warlock

  Beneath the Hand is the High Warlock (current: Tark Bloodbane), advisor to the Hand and executor of the Hand's will. He directs the Hand's armies in wartime, sending them direct orders and taking the field himself when the situation warrants.  

Field Commanders

  Next come the Claws, Fists, and Warlocks, serving as commanders in the field over their units. There is no regimented size a single unit can be, and usually scales to the needs of the campaign in question and the standing of the Fist that commands it.  


  The Fists are military commanders, tested in battle, of proven military prowess and leadership. Any man can mark himself for promotion by proving himself over battles, by performing acts of heroism, by taking charge when a leader falls. A man seeking promotion to the ranks of the Fists must seek the approval of his unit's Warlock, who will decide the worth of the man in question. Should the Warlock be sufficiently impressed by the would-be Fist, he is sent back to Steyis with that Warlock's mark, to be promoted by the High Warlock in ceremony and reassigned according to his new rank.  


  Warlocks serve as quartermasters, advisors, and magical support for the Fists of their units, considered equal in rank despite the supporting role. While Fists lead in battle, Warlocks are in charge in camp, tasked with keeping order amongst the men in their command. They are expected to use their powers to accomplish the mission of their unit, but are expected to take special care that they do not endanger the mission or undermine the Hand's law in doing so. Warlocks are frequently reassigned, as a rule not permitted to attach themselves to any particular Fist. The High Warlock carefully scrutinizes the lesser Warlocks, searching for signs of corruption - demonic or otherwise - in the ranks. While the Fists are respected, it is often the fear of the Warlocks that keeps a unit in line.  


  The Claws, a relatively new addition to the ranks of the Bloody Hand since the rise of Tark Bloodbane to High Warlock, are hand-picked from the ranks of seasoned and skilled Fists to serve as special-forces units in the field where a full military unit might not be practical or feasible. It is rumored that the Claws are somehow enhanced, both physically and magically, and by all accounts, men chosen as Claws of the Hand tend to be stronger and hardier than the average man. Some Claws exhibit other strange mannerisms, often more cruel and bloodthirsty. They are feared as much as the Warlocks, though few rank-and-file soldiers have contact with the Claws outside of what few might be accompanying one on a mission.  

The Rank-and-File



  Fingers are the rank-and-file foot-soldiers, cavalry, and spies of the Hand's armies. They are the fiercely loyal backbone of the conquering forces of the Hand. Fingers endure harsh physical training and conditioning before being promoted even to this rank. They are the lowest rank officially considered to be a part of the army. Their lives are entirely in the hands of the commanders - the Fists, Warlocks, and Claws - that they serve. Complete obedience, loyalty, and devotion is demanded of them; insubordination is not tolerated in any fashion.  

Camp Followers and Other Civilians

  No small number of camp followers and other civilians travel with the Hand's armies. They perform menial labor and other tasks in camp, treated little better than slaves by the soldiers. They are provided with place of their own within a camp and expected to carry out any tasks given to them to the best of their ability. Craftsmen, particularly blacksmiths and carpenters, hold some status among camp followers. Realizing the usefulness of willing and able hands, most Fists will provide their camp followers with men to guard them while in the field, though this is not strictly required.

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