Solsyn's Garden Building / Landmark in Rhina | World Anvil
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Solsyn's Garden

A gorgeous garden in Corla, the land is said to be Solsyn's mortal garden. The land has hence been cared for in her honor.   Primarily, the land is an orchard, bearing native and exotic fruits. The array of species seem to bloom and harvest year-round, carefully cultivated by the grounds keepers. Technically, the orchard is a holy ground, and the gardeners are sometimes also referred to as priests, although many also simply refer to them as Solsyn's druids.   Along side the orchard, there is a small farmyard and zoo with a collection of animals. All the species kept are domesticated or tamed-- keeping dangerous animals is forbidden by both the gardens, and the city that surrounds it!   At the very center of the gardens is a mausoleum for Solsyn, with a statue of her atop.

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