Land's End
Located at the eastern tip of New Esland, Land's End is where the rich go to relax.
The economy of Land's End is completely reliant on tourism. The remote location makes importing difficult, which drives up the cost of all products in the town. This doesn't stop the import of exotic goods, though. A different town might not make an effort to get fruit from far off lands, but Land's End is not a regular town. The most exotic and unusual produce, meats, and dishes are all available in Land's End.
The successful residence of Land's End are usually famous in their own right. Many are chefs known for their cuisines. Others are artists who can live in any location, and so deign to spend their wealth on living in a fancy location.
There are many different attractions to Land's End. For some, the ocean view from the mountains is enough to get away from their normal lives. For others, the indulgence of food or excessive luxury of accommodations is what they are after. Gambling is another common pass time. For some legal pleasures aren't enough for a vacation. For those, the lax laws of Land's End will be accommodating to their tastes.
Technically, drugs are still illegal, but they aren't harder to find than asking. They aren't going to be listed on any menus or out for sale. But they might be peddled by word every time a customer tries to make a purchase, and once the product is sold, no law enforcement will bother a guest.
Law enforcement is, however, very strict on violent crime. Murder and theft would be popular in a town like Land's End, where many wealthy patrons bring their excessive wealth. Criminals who attempt to make their lives in the Land's End by theft must be exceptionally skilled, or they will quickly end up dead. A murder has never gotten away successfully.
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I love the idea of having a settlement that survives off of the import of items. Whether there are resources that could be exploited is basically ignored in favor of the profits of imported delicacies.