Casting Hearts Organization in Rhina | World Anvil
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Casting Hearts

In The Understate of Palme, an individual is never more than one or two connections removed from working with blood copper. Casting Hearts is the most prestigious guild of metal workers. They have expanded to become the largest guild and are also the wealthiest and most powerful guild. Many people view them as the shadow rulers of the Understate due to their intense influence.


There are seven grand master guilds man who hold power to make decisions in the organization. Others masters in the guild may lobby the grand masters for changes, but do not officially hold any power. Bribery is not uncommon, however the grand masters are typically wealthy themselves, living well off of their blood copper creations. Anyone of lower rank than a master is not officially considered a member of the guild. Apprentices or journeymen may have work under a master from the Casting Hearts, but there are no apprentice members of the guild.


Due to the massive importance of blood copper in the Understate, some people view the Casting Hearts as the actual rulers of the Understate. Although they are not officially, they are so critical to the economy that the needs of the guild are always considered when making legislative decisions. In general, it is bad for their public appearance for a law to clearly favor only the guild. Sometimes sacrifices have to be made, though. It's easy enough to spin a decision favoring the guild to favoring the whole of Palme-- after all, what would the country be without their valuable export

Public Agenda

Casting Hearts works hard to maintain a positive outward impression. Much of their power and wealth comes from their reputation as highly skilled and respected metal workers. If a guild member acts in an unsavory manor, whether that is legal trouble in Palme, or a dishonorable trade deal, the member is likely to be stripped of their title in the guild and forever banned.

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