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Arbvae may be described as a sub-race of Sirbvae, but given the nature of Arbvae, it is far more accurate to call it a subculture. Physically, Arbvae prune to maintain a more tree-like appearance, capturing the essence of trees with large spreading "hair" (referred to as the canopy) and thick legs. Typically their arms are much thinner to allow shaping of branches into their canopy or legs. Culturally, Arbvae tend to be slow and relaxed. They feel no rush in life, taking their inspiration from the trees around them.

Naming Traditions

Unisex names

Arbvae have tree names if they have a traditional Sirbvae name such as:
Elm, Oak, Maple, Sycamore, Pine.

Family names

Arbvae follow sirbvae tradition of having family names related to nature.


Culture and cultural heritage

Arbvae and philosophy are practically synonymous on Rhina. It is common to find a gathering of Arbvae lounged around a decorative pond over-discussing anything, whether it be a rock at the edge of the pond, the edge of a sword, or the inefficiencies of some political idea. While it might be expected that an Arbvae would be rooted and unwilling to budge on a philosophy, this is not true. Sure, there are plenty of stubborn Arbvae, but no more so than any other culture.

Common Dress code

Like all Sirbvae, an Arbvae will likely bundle up in the winter. When temperature is not an issue, Arbvae like to decorate their canopy. Typical Arbvae jewellery resembles fruits and flowers or stars and moons and dangle from theie canopy on long wires.

Art & Architecture

The slow lifestyle of Arbvae encourages introspection and then a cultural inclination towards philosophy almost guarantees that every Arbvae is ready at any moment to speculate about something in extensive detail for longer than anyone else wants. Nonetheless, Arbvae philosophy tomes are considered their major export, and anyone who wishes to learn philosophy will need to get their hands on the Arbvae's books.   Other art forms are also common, but none are so prominent as philosophy.


Beauty Ideals

An Arbvae is considered beautiful if their profile resembles a tree. This is easily seen in their artwork, where subjects are typically backlit to highlight just the silhouette. Of course, there are many different tree forms, and the ideal tree shape has changed over time. Currently, a short canopy and thin legs are in fashion. This means if the Arbvae is not short, their canopy may start at their shoulders rather than the top of their head. Some may even cultivate their canopy below their arms. While a messier canopy may be seen in an Arbvae than some other subcultures of Sirbvae, completely pruned legs and torsos are expected. Some Arvae therefore choose to cultivate extensive branches around their soil clod while others prefer to leave it more exposed. Neither is considered more beautiful.

Courtship Ideals

Arbvae will cultivate flowers specifically in their canopy. The presence of ornamental flowers (typically lacking all but the petals) is a sign that an Arbvae is looking for a partner. A variety of colors is considered more attractive. Cultivating ornamental flowers while within a relationship is seen as a sign of disloyalty.
Arbvae sketch by mag_e
Encompassed species

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