Marnanum Material in Rexweld | World Anvil
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Marnanum is an oily, blue liquid that holds organic mana - the magical essence spellcasters use to cast their spells. Marnanum can be used as fuel for spells if a spellcaster has a mana lantern, which stores marnanum. Marnanum although being a natural resource is rare, as it most commonly is found in small underground lakes.


Material Characteristics

Marnanum is a transparent, slightly luminescent blue liquid with the density of oil.

Geology & Geography

Marnanum is found mainly in the southern hemisphere, with more being found the more south you go. The liquid is most commonly found in small underground bodies of the liquid.

Life & Expiration

Marnanum seems to not be affected by time or other things whatsoever, although what has been shown to affect the liquid is strong light, with sunlight especially affecting it. The light over time makes marnanum lost its blue pigment and thin out, reaching the consistency of water. This also highly affects the magical potency of the liquid.

History & Usage

Manufacturing & Products

Mana lanterns are secure, refillable containers that hold marnanum, that can be attached to one's side with a sash or leather. The top of the lantern is a flat surface engraved with runes. When a spellcaster places their hand on this surface and casts a spell, instead of drawing on their own magic, they can use marnanum as fuel for the spell instead.
  Magic detectors exist which are simple devices that are just marnanum stored in a glass cylinder that has a metal overlay, to hide the liquid from light and to keep it secure, with a slight opening on the side for the liquid to be visible. This device, when placed against magical objects or effects radiates with blue light.
Marnanum smells like petrichor - the refreshing smell of rain
Marnanum tastes slightly bitter
Light blue
Marnanum has the density of oil
Common State

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Cover image: by yo shimizu


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