Merfolk Species in Reverie | World Anvil


The Ghosts of Ocean Deep

Ghostly and ethereal, the merfolk are fey found in the waters and seas of Reverie. Most swim in the depths singing strange songs, incomprehensible to all but themselves.   They swim in the deepest parts of the ocean, with pale light emanating from their haunting figures. Their appearance varies, but many have skeletal and ghostly forms. However, these looks do no incite fear, rather they inspire a feeling of beauty and deep sorrow to those who gaze upon it.  

The Parade of Silver Ghosts

  Although most merfolk travel in groups of three to four, lunar events such as eclipses or blue moons bring hundreds of merfolk near the surface. Very few people have ever seen this procession, but those that have, describe a parade of ghostly figures. The merfolk have been described to be diverse in appearance. Some looking like skeletal fish, others having the look of monsters from the deep, and others even appearing as ghostly spirits floating through the water.  

Age of the Primordial Seas

The merfolk are remnants of a world from ages past. Long before the time of humanity, the ocean goddess, Lalani, ruled Reverie. The merfolk had great kingdoms of coral and shell and pearl, and the oceans were rich and vibrant, covering most of the land. Eventually, Lalani disappeared, bringing that great age to an end, and the merfolk's kingdoms fell to ruin.   Now, what remains of merfolk roam the oceans grieving the past and their goddess, and they will spend the rest of their days singing songs of mourning for their goddess, until her return.


Author's Notes

These merfolk are more otherworldy and ghostlike in appearance, appearing graceful and looking sort of undead. It's hard to describe in words, so I'll probably post add Concept Art / Illustrations to this article in the future.

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