Flaming Fist Organization in Revelyá | World Anvil
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Flaming Fist

The Flaming Fist, or Flaming Fists, was a mercenary company based in the city of Horgrim's Gate on Revelyá's Western Coast, where its members served as city guards. They were one of the most powerful and expensive fighting forces in all of the Empire during the first century of the Third Age, motivated primarily by the promise of riches and the glory of victory, though they edged on the side of promoting order throughout the Realm.   While the Fist's base of operations was in the city of Horgrim's Gate, they had other forts and establishments in the small settlements of Dovers and Burgloch as well.   Their latest leader was a ruthless ex-soldier named Captain Zodge , who manned the company during the refugee crisis after the neighboring city of Elturel had vanished.
Founding Date
2687 of 2nd
Military, Mercenary Group
Controlled Territories

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