Amrik Vanthampur Character in Revelyá | World Anvil
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Amrik Vanthampur

Amrik Vanthampur was the second youngest son of Duke Thalamra Vanthampur of Horgrim's Gate in the late 2nd century of 3rd.   Amrik was born to Thalamra Vanthampur and her second husband in the year 163 of 3rd   By the year 192 of 3rd, Amrik ran a moneylending business in a drydock tavern known as the Low Lantern within Horgrim's Gate. Knowing that he was his mother's favorite sound, he invoked the family name often and wore it with proud, threating others to think twice about harming him or his family.   He despised his younger borther, Mortlock and didn't see any danger from his sickly older brother Thurstwell Vanthampur in terms of becoming the families next in line.
Year of Birth
163 of 2nd 3009 Years old

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