The Church of Our God Of Darkness, Cnudhre / Elderism Organization in Rethium | World Anvil
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The Church of Our God Of Darkness, Cnudhre / Elderism

You have journeyed long and hard.
  Welcome, travelers, to the Church of Our God Of Darkness, Cnudhre.
  Here, our gathering welcomes you to celebrate the life, history and return of our great Father, the Eldritch Cnudhre. He is the Father of the Universe, the Great One of Life, Creation and Death. He gave birth to the others and brought the light of the universe from his own eyes and by the power of his hands. We gained consciousness from his thoughts and gained our senses from his touch. We owe existence to him alone, and as he created us, he may destroy us should it be his will and his plan for the furthering of the growth of the world.
  Elderism is the name of the faith we hold to the power of Cnudhre and his servant gods, and it is to this religion that we must remain forever loyal from the moment of our birth to the moment of our passing from the mortal world. He chose to give us life and thought and power over our bodies in order to spread his existence throughout the world, and he requires that the numbers of those who believe must continue to grow until his truth is known by all, and has cut off the false faith of the Great Pantheon of Hosios-Dyn, The Traitor God. When he comes, those who believe will be brought to a land of ever-expanding creation and a pure existence that rivals all others. He will forever reign supreme, and his order will encapsulate the universe and it's inhabitants for all of eternity until a new world, untainted by the Pantheon of the gods who have attempted to drive the True Creator from the minds and thoughts of those who know his Truth and his Reality.
  To accept Cnudhre and his faith is to gain full understanding of the ways of the universe and of the powers and forces that were used to create it from the darkness that had existed before everything else. Without him, the world will never be seen for what it truly is and can be, and without this knowledge, Humanity and the other races will never achieve the greatness that their races have been created to obtain. If you accept Cnudhre, Cnudhre will accept you and will bring you to his side in the Heavenly worlds beyond the mortal plane, to exist forever as one of his most loyal and devoted followers. Those who rise to his side will be given all knowledge, all power and all his love and affection, and will receive gifts beyond comprehension. Piles of gold uncountable, mansions as large as mountains and all the servants and goods that one could ever dream of will belong to those who accept him and rise to his side after his return, and none will ever hunger, lust, thirst or want again should they accept the offerings provided to them by the power of Cnudhre and his servant gods.
  But remember also this. Should you enter the congregation of The Great One and his servants, you must devote yourself wholly to his rule and his power. Bring others to the faith and participate in our rituals and practices in order to bring yourself closer to the power of the gods and to the gates of his heavenly realm. Do not attempt to separate yourself from the faith should you become part of our congregation, as this may require a sacrifice that many members have not been able to make before. Should you attempt to leave and beg for forgiven from Cnudhre, do not rely on the world or it's people to protect you from the wrath of Our Father and his endless, unmatched Power.
  The power of The Great One, Cnudhre, extends to all. His power is unmatched, his wisdom unchallenged and his realm and rule absolute. When he returns to the world to claim it as his own, those who believe will rise with him to the beyond. Those who deny him will disappear forever into the endless void where they will be punished eternally for their faithlessness.
  Do not deny Cnudhre. Your very continued existence relies on it. Praise be to The Church of Our God, The Father of Darkness, Cnudhre. May he forever rule supreme. Amen.

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