Omdis Ink Item in Rethium | World Anvil
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Omdis Ink

There is synthetic ink, and there is the common lead.
  Both of these are used in the transcribing of notes, copying of texts, homework, passages and other anecdotes. They are the primary substance used by people to perform these menial tasks throughout their day-to-day routines, and they have yet to be outclassed by any other known substances throughout the world.
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  The legendary Omdis Ink.
  Omdis Ink is a rare thing to come across, and for good reason.
  The ink finds it's origins from the also-rare Omdisaecias Muscari Nobile, which is a plant found primarily in the realms of Fire and Darkness, which can be accessed through their respective gates with special stones and other powerful objects infused with the same types of magic.
  The Omdisaecias Muscari Nobile, sometimes called the "Black Begonia" is a flower which grows in either singular buds to sprouts as many as four in one place. They are small flowers colored completely black with small silver strands hanging from the center and often growing from the leaves, and are only able to grow in the hostile environments of these realms due to the unique nutrients found in the soil in these locations. Although many believe that it is the flowers and the leaves of these flowers themselves from which the substance that the ink is made from comes, it is in fact the silver strands from these flowers that must be harvested in order to create the legendary Omdis Ink.
  The method one must follow is a short but carefully executed one, and must be followed very carefully in order to collect the strands in the proper state in order to have a chance at collecting the inky substance hiding inside.
  To collect the strands, one must first cut the stem of the flower about halfway between the flower and the ground. This severs the veins through which the substance moves when detecting danger, as the flower is able to detect a threat and can empty the substance from the strands in order to keep the substance from being harvested since some herbivorous predators seek the Black Begonia for this substance alone. Once the stem has been cut, the strands must be cut from the inside the flower at it's very inner tip, as this will prevent the substance from being deposited into the flower, from which the inky liquid cannot be harvested.
  Most begonias only have upwards of about five total strands, but some rare cases provide even ten strands, and these strands are known to be longer than the average strands from smaller flowers. Once these strands are harvested, the flower is often sold to travelling merchants and other shops at a high price due to their value, and the strands are brought to the libraries, monasteries and other institutions and factories where the ink is manufactured to be sold to the masses.
  Unfortunately, these terms are used somewhat lightly as only certain people are known to purchase this ink for mostly unknown reasons which those who sell the ink do not usually inquire for. The strands are pressed over a period of five hours, during which the ink is slowly but surely removed from the thin silver strands. Once this process is done, the strand can be discarded or sold to merchants for a slightly smaller price. The ink is then mixed together with chemicals to thicken and solidify it for use as writing ink, a process which takes up to a day to complete and perfect. The reason however that Omdis Ink is so coveted is because of it's ability to connect magic to the writing it makes, as well as the glow it provides because of this magical connection progress.
  It is commonly found in religious cults and other secretive sects of worshipping parties with varying religious and powerful textbooks, spell books and other types of bibliofolds that provide them with dark connections to the aether and the possibility of speaking to and possibly summoning the eldritch powers that those who worshipped them believed to be the true gods of the universe.
  This ink is also common amongst wizards, witches and other light-hearted spell-users across the world, and is as coveted by them as it is by those who worship and study the darkness.
  The ink itself is named Omdis Ink after the deity known as Omdis, who is regarded as the God of Law and Authority over the world and alongside the other gods and goddesses of the massive and legendary Rethium pantheon.
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