Fraga Hydrorhagia Condition in Rethium | World Anvil
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Fraga Hydrorhagia

Many conditions are present in the world, and many have been recorded in time as some of the most deadly infections to have ever plagued the planet.
  There are some conditions that are exclusive only to certain parts of the world, although this does not mean they are less deadly in other areas as a result of this origin.
  One of the most common conditions found in the Northern pole of Tarris Six originates from a parasite which evolved to survive extreme temperatures and climates such as the northern and southern poles of the planet. They are small and parasitic in size and nature, and their anatomy has allowed them to cover their bodies in unknown chemicals which protect their bodies from the cold atmosphere of their habitats.
  This condition, originating from these microscopic organisms, is scientifically called Fraga Hydrorhagia.
  A parasitic condition, Fraga Hydrorhagia is due to the evolution of the parasite itself, which has a temperature difference from internal body temperature of Humans and other humanoid races. The internal makeup of the parasite sees their body infected by a substance which, when contacted by cold temperatures, ice, rain or sludge, results in a quick growth reaction of the chemicals within the parasites bodies. 
  To combat this, the parasite has evolved to host a high temperature within their bodies so as to prevent the uncontrolled growth of these chemicals. The condition takes hold when the parasite makes contact with Human skin or that of other Humanoids. The parasite is known to dig into the skin to find protection underneath, but this action can prove dangerous and even lethal. Something in the makeup of the parasite as opposed to the internal works of Humanoids begins a chain reaction. Over the next few days, the afflicted organism may experience constant cold flashes, a high fever or prolonged cold, as well as patches of skin that vary in color from a starchy white to a soft or deep, icy blue. Another known sign of this condition is the breathing of clouds of either cold air - in the form of frost - or hot air in the form of fog or a similar cloud. If this condition is left untreated, then the next phase of the condition begins.
  The skin begins to harden, and hairs begin to freeze and fall out due to the dropping temperature inside the body. The patches on the skin begin to harden and grow, and after several weeks, hard growths similar to bones or shards of ice begin to appear.
  At this point, common cures are no longer optional, and hospital interference is required. The growths enlarge still, until the growths have nearly overcome the part of the body into which the parasite first burrowed upon contact with the skin. They appear like small stalagmites rising from the skin. To remove these growths - which at worst can grow back - surgery is required, and the parasite must be removed from the body in order to prevent the condition from continuously reoccurring in the humanoid form. In some cases, even the removal of the parasite is insufficient, meaning that the body continues to get colder and colder as time goes on, which will eventually cause the growths to fall off, before the body eventually shuts down altogether, resulting in death.
  There is no known chemical cure sufficient enough to kill the parasite before the option of surgery, therefore meaning that this final option is the only known cure for Fraga Hydrorhagia. When inflicted with this parasite, death is believed to come to those within at least two to three months, depending on the severity of the infection and the spread of the chemicals in the body that cause the growths to begin forming. 
  Another common affliction of the skin and body comes when the stalagmites have failed to form and grow on the body, and instead only the loss of hair across the body as well as a loss of pigmentation in the skin have taken place. This variant of the condition causes the body to begin seizing up and shriveling away over a period of a few months. The skin dries, the pigment disappears and turns the body a ghostly white or soft blue shade, and the body begins to thin until, at worst, the layers of skin and muscle have tightened around the skeleton, leaving the afflicted in pain, dehydration and constant cold temperatures. Any race can be infected by this parasitic condition.

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