House di Donato Organization in Renata | World Anvil
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House di Donato

Di Donato are one of the oldest families in Apex. They hold a number of lucrative trade monopolies, but are rumored to be heavily indebted. The family's prestige has never quite recovered from the incident in 1760 when the family arranged for the murder of Nicolo di Maggio, and attempted a coup. The family has not held a council seat since that time, but has often been represented in the senate. Their base of operations is their villa outside Apex City. They are influential in Shivertown.

Public Agenda

Di Donato seeks to recover their lost prestige, and restore their position as one of the Great Families of Apex. They have a running feud with House di Maggio which neither side really knows the reason for. The family believes that it is owed a place at the center of Republican politics because it was instrumental in establishing the Republic in the first place. They will not rest until they have achieved their goal.


The di Donato family is an old and venerable family which has over the years acquired many trade privileges and monopolies. A feud between them and house House di Maggio was started some time in the 1300s. In 1760 a doge of house di Maggio attempted to dissolve many of di Donato's trade monopolies. The head of House di Donato at the time hired mercenaries and assassins to kill the doge and seize control of the republic. The Doge was killed but the mercenaries failed to capture the members of the The Council of Ten . Thus the plan failed. The trial that followed saw the di Donato family mobilize all their resources to avoid conviction. Eventually they were issued a large fine, but kept their crucial monopolies. They soon after moved their base to Shiver Town and has been kept out of high politics in Apex for the last 240 years.

Tolle tibi debentur

Founding Date
1150 (Allegedly)
Parent Organization

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