The Well of Urd Geographic Location in Remnants of Midgard | World Anvil
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The Well of Urd

"An ancient well of infinite wisdom, that feeds Yggdrasil's deepest root. Mimir watches over the well, and the Norns use its power to divine what was, was is, and what will be." -an excerpt from Fate and Wisdom

The Well of Urd lies at the bottom of Yggdrassil's longest root, even further down than Helheim. This well is a font of unimaginable power that feeds the World Tree, as well as granting Mimir and the Norns their power.

This sub-realm appears to be a small island covered in sparse vegetation and is no more than few miles across. A large stone well lies at its center, where the oldest of Yggdrassil's roots draws its energy, around the well there are a handful of rather plain looking structures. These buildings are where Mimir and the Norns live and work tirelessly to heal the Great Tree. Aside from the buildings that surround the well, the island is also dotted with countless standing stones. These stones reveal much of the recorded history of the gods and the realms, to those that can decipher them.


This realm is nothing but a small, relatively flat island, with sparse groves of trees, bushes, and grasses. It's soft, sandy shores wash away into the endless cosmic darkness of the World Ocean.

Natural Resources

The only resource that can be found here is Wisdom, and it is found in abundance.
Alternative Name(s)
Mimir's Well, The Well of Fate
Dimensional, Pocket
Location under

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