The Valley of Banners Geographic Location in Remnants of Midgard | World Anvil
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The Valley of Banners

Where forgotten clans and kingdoms of the past may live on.

This valley was once the site of a great battle between two ancient, forgotten clans. Ever since that battle, the valley was gradually transformed into a forest of faded and torn banners, belonging to innumerable clans, spanning multiple centuries.   Ancient tradition on Midgard holds that any king or lord going to war will venture to the valley, carrying with them their banner to plant another "tree" in the forest.


A small, rocky glen at the foot of the Stone-Breaker Mountains. The northeastern side of the valley runs right up to the foot of the Stone-Breaker Mountains making it quite steep and difficult to climb, while the southwestern side of the valley is much shallower. Meandering freshwater streams flow through the valley, making their way down toward the marshlands below.

Fauna & Flora

The valley is lush and green. The rocks are coated in all colors of moss, while shrubs and grasses cover the ground. Amidst the banner trees, small shrines and cairns can be found, no doubt left by those who wish to pay their respects to those who have come before.   Many animals also call the valley home. Rabbits and chipmunks carve their burrows into the soft ground, mountain goats deftly climb the steep rocky cliffs, foxes quietly stalk the banner forest, and all manner of birds nest here.

Natural Resources

Naturally growing herbs and berry bushes can be found growing among the banners in the valley, and the shallow streams may yield fish to an adept hunter.
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Owning Organization

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