The Stoneshear Isles Geographic Location in Remnants of Midgard | World Anvil
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The Stoneshear Isles

The Stoneshear isles are an incredibly dense archipelago made up of hundreds of jagged, rocky islands off the southern coast of the mainland. The many islands vary in size from a few hundred feet across, to a few miles. Together they form an incredibly difficult to navigate tangled web of islands, with strong currents and treacherous rock formations, making it the ideal hiding place for any vikingr looking to escape the laws of the The Clansmoot.

It is here, hidden deep within the center of the archipelago, that the Vikingr King has built his empire of raiders and thieves.


The maze-like web of islands in the archipelago can prove fatal for any sailors not worth their salt. With treacherous, rocky outcrops and unpredictable currents, these isles are the ideal place to hide. There are enough natural fortifications here to dissuade even the most confident sailor from entering. Some of the larger islands even have massive coves and sea caves where the Vikingr King and his vikingar have built their well-concealed settlements among the rocks.

Fauna & Flora

The isles themselves do not have many natural resources to speak of, but they are teeming with life. The jagged, rocky landscape of the isles is home to countless species of tropical plants and animals, not found anywhere else on Midgard. The seas are teeming with fish and the skies are frequently filled with sea birds coming in to roost in the rocks.

Natural Resources

Whatever they cannot get from the isles, the vikingar who call this place home, take whatever else they need when they go out on raids. These extra necessities often include clothing, weapons, building materials, and plenty of silver and gold. 


These isles lie far beyond the reach of the Clansmoot's laws, and thus, the only folk that venture here are those looking for wealth or blood. 
Alternative Name(s)
Seat of the Vikingr King, The Ol' Stones
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