The Morskogen Geographic Location in Remnants of Midgard | World Anvil
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The Morskogen

This vast sea of coniferous trees is home to the majority of Clan Jokull's people, their settlements nestled along the rivers and in the clearings that break up the endless sea of green.

The Morskogen is what the people of Clan Jokull call the vast forested area of their territory. Because so much of their land is covered in dense, unbroken forest, the name is often used to refer to the entire valley region, from the foot of the Stone-Breaker Mountains in the northwest to the edge of the Temur Steppe in the southeast. Though parts of the forest have been cleared for settlements and logging, much of the landscape remains virtually untouched and wild, and the people of Clan Jokull intend to keep it that way as best they can.

Due to its untouched nature, the Morskogen holds many mysteries and wonders still left to be uncovered. Countless local legends and folktales circulate among the valley settlements, providing ample material for bards and skalds to weave their fanciful tales as they travel across the land. 
Forest, Boreal (Coniferous)
Location under
Owning Organization

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