The Great Cairn Building / Landmark in Remnants of Midgard | World Anvil
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The Great Cairn

"The eternal resting place of Midgard's high kings, one of the last vestiges of our ancient past." -Known History of Midgard, by Archivist Egil

Purpose / Function

The Great Cairn is the ancient complex of burial mounds that hold the remains of Midgard's high kings. Since the death of Midgard's last high king before the Great Cataclysm, the people of Midgard have not chosen another. Though the clans of Midgard now rule themselves, the Great Cairn is still used as a common meeting ground for the chieftains of the five clans to discuss policy and unifying laws among all clans, due to its location within a neutral area at the center of the continent.


The Great Cairn is a complex of burial mounds built in a spiraling pattern around a central, larger cairn. The spiral acts as a timeline of past kings, leading one toward the center, where the first high king of Midgard rests. At the center of the spiral complex lies a large open air court, constructed at the foot of the first high king's cairn. This court is where the chieftains of the five clans meet.

All of the cairns in this complex appear on the outside as grassy mounds surrounded by a circle of carved standing stones. Each cairn is marked by different clan symbols and runes engraved into the standing stones that surround them. Heavy, Ornately carved stone slabs seal the entrance to each cairn, and potent protective enchantments are placed on each mound to dissuade any would-be grave robbers.


The Great Cairn was originally just the burial cairn of Midgard's first high king, but as the generations passed, it became tradition for each high king to be laid to rest there. The spiraling complex grew as the years went on, until the Great Cataclysm brought about the end of the era of kings on Midgard.
Alternative Names
King's Rest
Parent Location
Owning Organization

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