Temur Steppe Geographic Location in Remnants of Midgard | World Anvil
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Temur Steppe

Though more plentiful in resources, the Temur Steppe is capable of hiding much greater dangers. The rugged hills and tall grasses can conceal much from those who do not have the keen senses to survive.

To the northwest of the Omvad-ul Desert, the sands gradually fade away into the rugged, rocky hills and tall grasses of the Temur Steppe. The steppe-lands are a wild and treacherous landscape that easily conceals its many threats, but those of Clan Eirsandr who call the steppe their home are more than familiar with the dangers that lay hidden here. Many people of the steppe-land are hunters and trackers, taught from a very young age so that they may better survive and thrive in the harsh environment of their home. Tracking the beasts and monsters that roam the steppe, ensuring they stay far enough away from the settlements and hunting them down if necessary, is the job of the Reka, a small group of master trackers and hunters that patrol the steppe, to keep their people safe.

The people of the steppe-lands live very different, less opulent, lives when compared to those that live in the desert below, for most of the wealth gathered from the clan's many quarries stays within the desert and its settlements. However, this is entirely by choice as the thanes and jarls of the steppe take only what they need, with no desire to live the opulent lifestyle of their other clanmates, perhaps this is out of a deeper reverence for the clan's nomadic ancestry.
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