Sunken Lands of Aegir's Grasp Geographic Location in Remnants of Midgard | World Anvil
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Sunken Lands of Aegir's Grasp

Far from the lands of the Clansmoot, out in the dark and stormy seas of Midgard, lie the sunken lands of Aegir's Grasp. Millennia ago, this ancient drowned land was once a powerful naval country, but after the Great Cataclysm flooded much of the realm the entire continent was swallowed by the tidal waves that swept over the land.

All information, save for a small handful of well preserved shipping manifests and maps, help to understand the ancient story of this lost continent. A small number of expeditions have been sent out into the seas over the centuries, with hopes of uncovering any lost artifacts from this ancient civilization, but each expedition returned with vastly different accounts of what they saw. To this day, no single account of the sunken lands is regarded as the truth, thus making all research merely conjecture.

Surely there are countless treasures yet to be discovered that have lied untouched in the depths for centuries. The key to understanding the ancient people that called this place home lies entirely with the artifacts they left behind.
Alternative Name(s)
The Land Beneath the Waves, The Lost Continent
Location under

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