Stone-Breaker Mountains Geographic Location in Remnants of Midgard | World Anvil
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Stone-Breaker Mountains

Stone-Breaker mountain range and the lands around it are rugged and harsh, where the snows fall hard in the winter and the rivers run quick in the spring. This is a land where it takes real strength to live.

These mountains have been home to the people of Clan Jokull for centuries, they have built settlements all across their land, from deep within the dense Morskogen forest to high upon the cliffs. However, they have still left much of their wilderness utterly untouched and wild. The people of Clan Jokull revere Jörd, the Earthwarden above many of the other gods and they have left as much of their land untouched to show their reverence for her.

These towering mountains and deep forests hide many secrets and are home to countless local legends and stories. However, divining truth from fiction can often prove difficult, as much of these lands still remain unsettled and unexplored.


The Stone-Breaker mountain range covers a large swath of land in the northern portion of the main continent of Midgard. The snow capped peaks of the range are rich with ore and quality stone for construction. Further down the mountains, the steep cliffsides give way to deep and exceptionally dense boreal forest of the Morskogen, cut only by a handful of meandering rivers carrying melted snows.
Alternative Name(s)
The Great Quarry, Jörd's Cradle
Mountain Range
Location under
Owning Organization

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