Sight Stones Building / Landmark in Remnants of Midgard | World Anvil
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Sight Stones

"Ancient stones that once allowed the druids to peer through the void between realms. Millennia has passed since they were used however, and the ancient rites and rituals are now lost to time." -Legends of Midgard, by Archivist Egil

Lonely, overgrown circles of standing stones, erected by ancient covens of druids. These magical stones were crafted to allow the druids to peer through the void that separates Midgard from the other realms. With the proper rituals and enough magic, they could even create gateways to walk between the realms. Ancient druidic legend tells that the magic to create and use these stones was granted to them by the Allfather Odhinn himself, when he walked our realm millennia ago. Much time has passed since then, and the methods of their use are now long forgotten. However, some druids who still remember the old legends still tend to the stones, hoping that one day the knowledge might return to them.

These standing stone circles are a very rare sight, with only three known locations throughout the entire realm of Midgard. Scholars and druids that are versed in the usage and mapping of leylines discovered long ago that Sight Stone circles always seem to lie along titanic leylines.

Purpose / Function

To peer through the void between realms, reading the pathways that connect them. With the proper rituals, one could even create gateways to walk between the realms.


The Sight Stones are well established pilgrimage destinations for many druids, or others with deep connections to the land. Though they can no longer be used, the places still hum with primal magic.
Alternative Names
Odhinn's Eye
Monument, Large
Parent Location

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