Half-Elf Species in Remnants of Midgard | World Anvil
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Walking in two realms but truly belonging to neither, Half-Elves combine what some say are the best qualities of their Elf and Human parents: human curiosity, inventiveness, and ambition tempered by the refined senses, love of nature, and artistic tastes of the Elves.

Most Half-Elves live on Midgard among the countless races that call the realm home, but some chose to live in Alfheim with their Elven relatives, now, after the great cataclysm shattered the connections between realms, both sides are cut off from a part of who they are.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

To Humans, Half-Elves look like Elves, and to Elves, they look Human. In height, they’re on par with both parents, though they’re neither as slender as elves nor as broad as Humans. They range from under 5 feet to about 6 feet tall, and from 100 to 170 pounds, with men only slightly taller and heavier than women.

Growth Rate & Stages

Half-Elves mature at the same rate Humans do and reach Adulthood around the age of 20. They live much longer than Humans, however, often exceeding 180 years.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Half-Elves are as varied in appearance as any race could be, depending on their parentage, a Half-Elf could sport almost any color of hair or skin. The men do often have facial hair, and sometimes grow beards to mask their Elven ancestry. Most Half-Elves tend to be born with the eyes of their Elven parents.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The majority of Half-Elves live on Midgard, though a small number chose to live on Alfheim with their Elven relatives.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities


Thanks to their Elven blood, they have superior vision in dark and dim Conditions. They are able to see in dim light within 60 feet of them as if it were bright light, and in Darkness as if it were dim light. Though they are unable to discern color in Darkness, only Shades of Gray.

Fey Ancestry

Due to their magical heritage, they have advantage on Saving Throws against being Charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.

Civilization and Culture


Half-Elves are the result of interspecies breeding between the Humans of Midgard and the Elves of Alfheim, though after the great mysterious cataclysm that occurred centuries ago, travel between the realms has become impossible, preventing the Elves from coming to Midgard.   Half-Elves have made up a significant part of Midgard's population for millennia, but now with the Elves for the most part cut off from Midgard, their population has begun to plateau.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
More than 120 years old. Half-Elves reach adulthood at 20.
Average Height
5ft - 6ft
Average Weight
100 - 170lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Half-elven coloration and features lie somewhere between their Human and Elf parents, and thus show a variety even more pronounced than that found among either race, ranging anywhere from fair pink to rich dark tones.
Geographic Distribution

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