Daihaha Geographic Location in Rei | World Anvil
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The daihaha is a dense forest area, positioned near the southwestern corner of the continent with the size of france.   Most tribes that live here are completey cut off from the rest of the world, due to its size. To the south it borders against the ozean from wich three rivers lead into the forest and one of these reaches almost comepletely through to the northern end of the forest. To the east and west there are two large swamps and in the middle there is a small mountain range, with some valleys here and there.   On the west, where the story unfolds there are more hills, thats why moving in a straight line directly to youre goal, is often not the best decision. Only those tribes that are home in this exact location know the perfect routes to travel. A small extension of the western swamp, wich is normally located further north, reaches into this area as well as two arms from one of the rivers. Overall there are six settlements, that could potentially be importend for the story. One is build at one of the riverarms and specializes at fishing. Another two are build into the hills of the forest. A fourth one sits on top of a large hill, wich also has a small clearing that covers half the settlement in the middle. Number five is partially build on the ground, but most of it is located in the trees above. Relatively near to the western border of the forest is the sixth one. The sixth is one of the rare settlements that sometimes interact with the outside world, they usually trade rare herbs for tools and clothing.

Fauna & Flora

There are various yokai living in this place.   Some of the trees have a normal bark, but are made off flesh from the inside and feed off of birds, as long as no bigger animal tries to take cover beneath its roots. It is called the chijuhi.   Some kappa live in the river, these ones are more of the aggressive kind, but they can be distracted or even befriended with tea and grilled fish.   Sometimes a tribesmember will miss an item because it was stolen and hidden for fun by a tanuki.   There are owl people, who have the face and wings of and owl, but theire torso and legs are vaguely human shaped. They know alot about everything in the entire forest but are very moody, usually you have to be lucky if one talks to you or even answers one of youre questions. If you can find one and find out what this particular one desires, then you could learn many things.

Natural Resources

Many different herbs that can be used for treating injuries, but also a sertain one that has a well tasting effect in combination with sake.

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