Humans Species in Refuge: Realm of Monsters | World Anvil
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Humans are one of the three main species that populate Eanith. They are the only race capable of using large amounts of magic, as well as being the only race that has established a higher government and court.   Humans are also the least populous race in Estriss. Monsters outnumber them in the hundreds of thousands.

Basic Information


Humans are pretty similar across the board. Four limbs, all typical sensory appendages, etc. Hair color and type can and does vary, but most colors are in the neutral zone. The one mass exception is eye color, which reflects the color of that person's unique magic, and can be any color under the sun.

Genetics and Reproduction

When a human female become pregnant, the baby gestates for about 38 weeks on average, then is born.

Growth Rate & Stages

A human child grows pretty steadily until they reach age 10, which is when the growth rate slows down slightly. Growth slows down completely at age 24. A child's magic usually comes forth at age 8. The earliest example of a child using magic was at 28 months, and the latest was at 16.

Ecology and Habitats

Humanity can survive comfortable anywhere with a temperature from 60 to 70 degrees (Fahrenheit)

Dietary Needs and Habits

Humans are generally omnivores.

Biological Cycle

When a human reaches the age of around 70 to 80, their magic usually begins to weaken and falter due to frailty of old age.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Humans have the typical five senses, and and extra ability unique to the individual; their magic.   Magic (figuratively) runs inside the body, stemming from the soul of the human. Magic is a soul-based ability, and is used as such. If used for too long, magic can be drained, and thusly replenished after a short rest. Magic is also unique to the individual, with a few spells easily learned across the board.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Young children with a close, passed relative are sometimes named after said relative, or at least have a similar name. Parents have free reign to pick the name for their child. When marriage takes place, it is up to the couple who will take on the other's last name. If one partner comes from a line of prestigious mages, often the other partner will take up the more well-known name.

Major Organizations

Vemia is the first, last, and largest settlement of humanity on Estriss. The Celestial Court is the main ruling organization of Vemia, and members are voted on every three, five, ten, or eleven years, depending on their hierarchy in the Court. Several large gangs and creeds populate the main capitol, Mentross. The two biggest groups are the Somni Creed, a group of dedicated assassins-for-hire, and the rag-tag gang Gehenna. They are usually on decent terms, and rare fights that take place between the two usually are small skirmishes outside the city, in the suburbs.

Average Technological Level

The technological level of Mentross far exceeds any modern day technology we have today, but that level quickly spirals downward the further outward one travels from the capital. Many people live as simple farmers in the Outskirts, with very small amounts of tech to connect them to the capital and other towns.


Human and monstrous relations were tense from the moment they knew of each other. Small squabbles constantly took place, and eventually monsters took initiative, and began to methodically wipe out human settlements. The leaders reached out to smaller, more intelligent species of monsters for a peace treaty, and were declined, sometimes brutally so. Humanity was backed into the center of the country; the reigning Court at the time was frantically trying to find a solution that wouldn't result in the swift genocide of the human species, when a popular and immensely powerful mage stepped up to surround most of the human settlements with a shield that blocked opaque souls from coming through. This essentially ended the immediate threat of human extinction, although the monsters lurking around the shield was the subject of much fear over time.   Humanity continues to flourish, even in the present day. Leaps and bounds have been made in technology and magic, all centered in the city of Mentross, where the greatest minds and talents reside. The Celestial Court hold the most sway here, being the largest center of power and the chosen leader of remaining human civilization.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Humanity widely hates any and all monsters, and are hated by monsters in return. Any being not of human origin found in a human village is quickly killed or otherwise exterminated. However, hybrid monster children are a large problem, since some bipedal demons and some elves can enter the shield. Incubi/Succubi especially do not help the problem. For the most part, these children are treated well and cared for like any other, due to the large amount of them, and these children do not exhibit any extra abilities besides similar features and a stray ability from their monstrous parent.
Scientific Name
Homo Sapiens Magus
Many humans have different physical characteristics, most of which are differing skin tones, hair colors, hair types, etc. Most humans with darker skin tones tend to live in the Southern regions of Vemia, and vice versa for more pale people.
90 to 100 years
Conservation Status
Humanity is currently not in danger of extinction, although threat looms daily.
Average Height
5'5" inches to 6'2" inches.

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