Daemons Species in Refuge: Realm of Monsters | World Anvil
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Daemons are one of the three sentient species that populate Erugan currently, the other two being the Screel and Humans.   Daemons are unique from the other two species in that not only do they have noticeable sexual dimorphism, each sex forms separate groups. Daemons often form pseudo-family groups, or are simply a group of individuals are close and who work well together. Most clans max out at thirty Daemons. Male Daemons are known as Incubi, and females are known as Succubi. To name a few differences, males are much larger on average than females, and female do not have horns while males do.   Many of these clans are spread out around Erugan but male and female clans are always located one each to an area. Sometimes these clans are at violent odds, and other times they simply coexist. Although Daemons are typically group-oriented beings, some will leave a group and forge their own way. These are known to Humans as Strays.   Currently, there are six separate clans that are known; Dure, Leva, Comu, Shora, Shei, and Tolvi. The most well-known of these clans is Dure, an Incubi clan that is settled loosely on the edge of Redwood Forest, and Leva, a Succubi clan that is centered deep in the same woods.

Basic Information


Daemons are similar in build to humans, with four limbs and similar facial features. That is where the similarities end, however. Male Daemons are large in build, typically reaching the high end of six feet. All males have a set of horns on the skull, which affords extra protection to the head among other traits. It is not uncommon for a male to have more than one set of horns, as well. Incubi also have a "blush" on their joints and limbs (shoulder, elbows, knees to name a few), that is a specific hue. Often this color relates to the surroundings they were born in, and has no restrictions on color. Known colors include various shades of blue, yellow, and red.   Females are considerably smaller than males, averaging about 5'5" to 5'8". It is possible for females to have horns, although this is incredibly rare. Succubi have marked patterns on their arms, legs, and part of their torso that helps them to blend in with their surroundings. The patterns vary from Daemon to Daemon, and are unique to the individual, as well as the surrounding they live in. These patterns are not only restricted to color variation, and can result in whelks and spikes on the skin. Usually these abnormalities are located on the shoulders and upper back, although the exact location can vary.

Genetics and Reproduction

In the typical year period, mating season begins mid to late fall. Different Succubi and Incubi clans in the same area will join to reproduce, and will separate after a month or two. This seems to be involuntary on their part, and is a compulsive urge. During this time, an Incubi and Succubi will pair off for a few weeks within the clans. This has resulted in a few couples becoming Strays and leaving their respective clans entirely.   After the season ends, the clans will go their respective ways. Succubi are the gender that carry the young; the gestation period ranges from around five months by the Vemian calendar, or 128 to 145 days. When the baby is born in a Succubi clan, it will be cared for by the mother and any close friends that care to help. If the baby is a girl, she will remain with that clan. If it is a boy, he and any other male children born in that season will be turned over the nearest Incubi clan as soon as physically possible, typically the clan that fathered them. The mother of a male child seems to care little for her baby, but will travel very long distances to turn him over to the nearest male clan.   If a child is fathered by a human or Screel with a Succubi, and is a boy, the baby will be turned over to the respective father. If female, the baby will be raised as a full-blooded Daemon. If an Incubi has fathered a child with a Human or Screel, depending on the individual, they will either leave to rejoin their clan, or become a Stray and stay with their partner and child.

Growth Rate & Stages

At birth, a Daemon child will grow steadily, at a rate about three years for every one year a human child will grow. Between the age of three and seven is when the typical "childhood" will happen. Growth rate begins to decline after three years, but still is faster than the rate of a human child. At seven years old, they are considered to be a half-adult, and are given more responsibilities at this age. This is also when training for a job within the clan will take place. This age is equivalent to sixteen in human years.   At twelve years, growth rate slows to a halt, and the Daemon is question is considered an adult. This is equivalent to the human age of about twenty-five. A simple Majority ceremony is held on their birthday, and the Daemon becomes an adult on the eve of that day.   Daemons do not age beyond their appearance at twelve years. The expected life-span for a Daemon is about twenty-eight to thirty years. The longest-lived Daemon in existence is currently thirty-five, and is suspected to have some human lineage. When the Daemon reaches the end of their lifespan, they begin to age rapidly, and over the course of a month sport wrinkles like that of a elderly human. They die quickly after that.

Ecology and Habitats

Daemons can live in any environment that has other animals that are suitable to feed on. Clans are based in the Lumen Mountain range, in deep forest, in the charred plains of Ambusti, and by the sea.

Dietary Needs and Habits

All Daemons are carnivores, and require meat to survive. Most clans keep prey animals and breed them for meat and other materials; although some prefer solely ambush predation. Daemons will usually gravitate towards ambush predation as a supplementary route of food besides farming animals. Most animals are kept near the clan to prevent theft from other clans, and as a result large pens and farmland cannot be built. Meat is often cured and each clan tries to manage the surrounding wildlife to avoid overhunting.

Biological Cycle

All Incubi and Succubi have an internal cycle that begins in mid-fall. The clan as a whole will seek out partners of the opposite sex to mate, as an involuntary urge. Most Incubi and Succubi clans live in close proximity so that they will not have to travel far and waste resources on this. This craving lasts for a month or two, and both clans will essentially merge for the time being, to hunt and share resources.   This has begun a tradition of festivity in the fall, and soothes relations between clans that may have been aggravated over the past year.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Incubi and Succubi are separated by clans of about thirty or forty apiece, although these can be much larger, up to several hundred in each clan. Larger clans are known as Tribes. Each clan has a Head Leader, typically the oldest among them, a second-in-command, and several Advisers. These leaders are put up by popular support, and stay in power as long as they are alive. If killed, the second-in-command will take their place, and become the new leader. More Advisers are appointed as the clan grows.

Facial characteristics

Incubi have horns as a rule, which vary wildly from one individual to another. All daemons have split pupils, fine features, and pointed ears.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Daemons are scattered fairly evenly across the continent.

Average Intelligence

They are sentient as a rule, and while they have a separate language, are relatively smart and cognitive thinkers.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

All Daemons across the board have these common sensory advantages; slit pupils, a double iris, and pointed ears. Slit pupils tend to allow for better depth perception, and long-range depth of field. This also allows for better night vision, and better vision in very bright light. A double iris allows for much quicker dilation and pinning of the pupil, giving Daemons fantastic reaction time to changes in light. It also allows for much larger dilation of the pupil than would be normally possible, further exemplifying the advantages Incubi and Succubi have in the nighttime. Most Daemons have pointed ears that are much larger than seen on humans. This allows for much better collection of sound. They also seem to have much better hearing than humans, being able to tap into frequencies that are unheard by most humans.

Civilization and Culture

Relationship Ideals

Most Daemons do not have permanent monogamous relationships, opting instead for shorter flings, especially during the fall. However, it is not uncommon to hear of an Incubus and Succubus that flee their clans together and make a life together. Many lasting relationships have been formed within clans, as well.

Average Technological Level

Most Daemons live in little more than hovels due to the constant splitting and converging of clans, as well as common travel across the continent. On the other hand, weaponry and hunting tools are highly advanced, sporting fine edges sharper than any other, and beautiful artwork in the design. Pens for animals are designed incredibly compact to save space, and breeding techniques for animal husbanders are well-tailored.

Common Dress Code

Incubi typically dress in loose, flowing clothing, weather providing. Long pants with supported ankles and padded knees are a staple, but shirts are mostly forgone in the comfort of the clan home. Succubi dress in tighter, more supportive clothing, and add longer layers over to protect from the elements when necessary. The exception to these rules are Daemons in harsher environments. Then they will dress according to their surroundings.


It is widely rumored that the Daemons are the offspring of Diu, the brother of Dio. Daemons have always been segregated by gender, in clans, but the clans were once all united under a monarchy. The specifics of this monarchy are unknown, as most Incubi and Succubi clans do not remember this information. Only the Tribe centered in Ambusti retains any of this information.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Daemons, while not hating humanity with a passion, on the whole dislike humans. Clans usually avoid human settlements when necessary, although a few fairly zealous clans will seek to raze any humans found. Single Daemons usually have no problem copulating with humans, especially Strays that have left their clan for Vemia. Screel, on the other hand, are hated with a burning passion. Single elves are killed immediately when found, and settlements are methodically destroyed by cooperating clans. The Screel rarely reciprocate unless attacked first, however.   While Daemon/Human children are fairly common, especially in the Outskirts, Daemon/Screel children are incredibly, exceedingly rare due to the inane animosity between the two. There's an almost involuntary urge towards "fight" when in the presence of an elf.
Scientific Name
Cornim Tenebrae
28 to 30 years
Conservation Status
This species is by and large one of the most prolific species in Erugan. No measures are taken for conservation or extinction.
Average Height
Incubi are anywhere from 6'5" to 7'5", sometimes going over or under these parameters. Succubi are typically 5'5" to 5'10", sometimes being taller than.
Average Physique
Most Daemons are very fit, and are fairly muscular, Incubi especially.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Males have a hued "blush" around their joints, shoulders, and torsos. Females have more toned down marking along their limbs and torsos. This is coupled by whelks and spikes along their shoulders and upper back.

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