Jre Species in Reborn Stars | World Anvil
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"Trade is the lifeblood of any nation; it brings new ideas, new goods, new friends. It brings prosperity for the entire Hive. War, on other end, is the death of any nation; it corrupts righteous morals, it brings starvation and need, and it creates bitter rivals. It is the end of the entire collective. And it is here, that we have our choice. Prosperity for the entire collective, or death? The answer should be obvious" -Great Jaws of the Great Emerald Hive, in their 'Debates of Commerce'
  The Jre are one of the most populous species in the Commonwealth of Stars. They are known for their bussiness-saviness and general fondness of trade, in addition to their adversity to needless wars and similar. They are one of the founder-species of the Commonwealth.


"Let me make one thing clear 'bout Hoarders. They ain't that strong or anythin', 'least not compared to a bloody Flappy. But they're hard as hell to kill." -Anonymous pirate in the Wild Moon Raiders, circumstances unkown
  The Jre have a water-carbon based biology, and breathe oxygen, like most known galactic species. They hail from the super-earth desert planet known as Jaron. Physical Description Edit The Jre have a certain resemblance to the millipedes of Earth. Having a long body with an exoskeleton and many hundreds of small legs. Apart from this, every Jre has a set of four tentacles which they can use to manipulate their enviroment. Apart from this, the tentacles are also used to absorb scents and to release pheromones (used for communicating various emotions and simple concepts). They also have four, almost gelatinous eyes which are significantly worse than human eyes, though they do perceive the same colours.   It is extremely important to note, however, that the Jre are a eusocial species divided into three main castes: Hunters, Workers and Fertilisers. Each of these castes plays a radically different role, biologically spekaing, and also looks rather different from their brethren.   Hunters are the biggest of all Jre, being over 3 meters long. They, biologically speaking, are the 'soldiers' and 'hunters' of a Hive, going out to find food, killing any enemies of the collective and so forth. In order to accomplish this, they do not only posess the aforementioned size, but also a nutcracker-like beak which can easily break hard shells, exoskeletons and barks. Their tentacles are also longer than those of the other castes, useful for strangling or litterally crushing prey. They also have bigger and better eyes than the other two castes.     Workers are smaller and stubbier than Hunters, coming in at 2.5 meters long. They possess a proboscis-like beak, which is used to apply a glue-like material they can naturally produce from their spit alongside a certain type of plant from their homeworld to create and hold together hives (this ability is, however, rarely used in the modern day). They have stronger and shorter tentacles than the other castes, which are used to haul heavy goods across often-times great distances.   Fertilisers are the shortest one of all three Jre castes, being around 1.2 meters long. They have weak and short tentacles, which are only really useful to pick up food and eggs. They have a simpler, parrot-like beak with no other specific qualities. They have the smallest and weakest eyes of all castes. Fertilisers are generally the physically weakest of the three.   All Jre also have an exoskeleton which is shed and then replaced regurarly in a process known as njeekkarner (litt. exoskeleton exhange). They also possess yellow blood, meat and organs.   The Jre are somewhat strong compared to most other species, thanks to the high gravity they evolved in. Apart from this, they are also rather resilliant and quite hard to kill. They can take a relatively great amount of damage before succumbing to any wound, and can easily adapt to most enviroments (in part thanks to their eusocial nature, which makes cooperation easier and crime less likely). They do not have an as centralised nervous system as humans, whith many functions, sometimes even higher functions, being delegated to 'neural nodes'. A Jre can survive for a a bit less than half an hour without a head, for an example. Though they would be rather confused and frantic in this time period.        

Psychology and Behaviour

The Jre are a eusocial species; they instinctevely see themselves as part of some collective. To the Jre, this 'collective' is an almost physical thing, and they only form a small, usually insignificant link in it. A sane Jre will conciously do something that harms the collective at large, most would rather commit suicide. The Jre will always do everything in their power to bring prosperity to the collective at large, no matter the cost. Even if individual Jre disagree with their collective, they would usually much rather just move away (provided doing so would not harm the collective) then to take up arms and fight. These 'migrants' will usually create their own hives of sorts, and after multiple generations they will usually feel entirely disconnected from the old collective. It is important to note that the Jre do not neccesarily see their Hive as their collective, though they usually see it as a part of it. A collective can be made up of multiple Hives, or even multiple 'nations'. Many modern Jre even see the Commonwealth as a whole as their collective, including its non-Jre members.   When the Jre see their collective as being endangered, they enter something known as the 'Collective-survival response', where they will loose thr ability to feel many emotions (including most forms of empathy) and will only care about the survival of the collective. Once in this mode, Jre are known to do anything from selling all one's belongings and giving all the money to one's government, to full genocides. The phenomenon is extremely rare, and only occurs in life or death situations. It is also more collaquilly known as 'Hive Determination'.   The Jre are also much less sensitive to burn-outs, stress or similar factors. In fact, they suffer from the opposite affliction, where not working enough causes them great psychological distress. Usually, this affliction, known as naktaannje (litt. Workless) causes a feeling akin to stress and great feeling of worthlessness. Though in some individuals, it has been observed to (also) cause feelings of irritation and even anger, at themselves or at the entire world. It is important to note that naktaannje can also be contracted if one perceives their work as not worthile, or useful enough to the collective. Due to the rise in automation, naktaannje has recently been becoming more and more prevalent in Jre societies, as there are less and less truly worthwile jobs to perform. Authorities both specificaly in the United Trade Committee and the Commonwealth at large have been looking into solutions for this.   An other important aspect to Jre psychology is their natural obsession with collecting things. All Jre wish to collect 'notable' objects (what constitutes 'notable' depands on the individual), it is even required for their psychological health. All Jre also have a 'collection' of sorts, which they call a T'ajk. An object which they see as interesting is known as a taj'ret. A Jre that does not add any 'worthy' items to their t'ajk for a certain period of time (how long this is also depands on the individual) will start to feel worthless and depressed. This depression is known as T'ajjne (litt. t'ajless), and can lead to suicide or actual depression if left unnatended for too long. For as long as it is 'just' T'ajjne, however, the affliction can be simply cured by adding to one's t'ajk. Though it is important to note that, depanding on the person of the severity of the t'ajjne, it may take particularly notable objects to cure the affliction. It is also important to note that Jre can get rid of objects in their t'ajjne, especially so if they can replace it with an object they see as 'superior'. They will rarely throw objects that hold particular sentimental or monetary value away, however, and will usually cling on to those untill death.   The Jre also have a quite different concept of beauty than most other sapients. They tend to see what is useful to the collective as 'beautiful'. As such, cattle, architecture, tools and weapons are often considered quite artistic. These things are often depicted in art (one of the main artforms of the Jre can essentially be described as miniature buildings), and the architecture, tools and weapons themselves are often further stylised for the sake of appearing more beautiful to them.   They also have a concept known as T'ajt'orat (litt. Collectable Interest), which can be described as a second form of 'beauty'. This 'beauty' can only be found in items the Jre view as interesting to collect. These usually include, but are not limited to: shiny items, items in interesting shapes, all types of shells or exoskeletons, or anythign that comes in sets. T'ajt'orat is usually closer to other sapient's concept of 'beautiful' than what the Jre consider beautiful, though it is to be noted that it invokes quite different feelings in Jre.   There are of course also differences between the psychologies of the different Jre castes:   Hunters are known to absolutely hate monotony, and require variation and even a degree of excitement. They also handle stress and responsibility significantly better than the other castes, making them natural leaders. They don't suffer naktaannje from not doing work as quickly as other castes, though they do get it more quickly from doing work they see as unworthwile. They also develop T'ajjne much quiker than the other two castes, and usually have much larger collections. They are, by Jre standards, quite impulsive. They are, perhaps paradoxically, seen as the most expendable Jre, being commonly used as soldiers and similar.   Workers, on the other hand, adore monotony, too much variation even being harmfull to them. They do not handle stress or too much responsibility very well, though they can work for extraordinarily long times without tiring. They develop naktaanje extremely quickly, but only barely suffer from T'ajjne. They are usually extremely deliberate in thought and slow to come to conclusions or decisions, and are as such often valued as advisors to actual leaders. It is considered inhumane to force Workers to not work.   Fertilisers have a child-like intelligence, and mainly wish to play and teach larvae. They can only suffer from naktaannje if they do not see larvae for a long enough time, which causes them to seek out eggs to fertilise. They automatically bond to certain Workers who are entrusted with their protection, they will usually these Workers as 'heroes' of sorts and come to them for protection whenever they deem it neccesary. They do not need to look for T'ajrets, but do wish for regular new 'toys' and similar, preferably items that can be used to teach larvae certain skills. They are seen as extremely precious and important to the rest of hive, being the most important aspect of the collective's survival. They will usually be kept inside hive-structures for their entire life (which they do not mind, as they naturally fear the outside), and will always be the first ones to be evacuated or saved.   Reproduction is also viewed differently by the Jre than by most other sapients. They do not have any concept of sexual pleasure at all, instead seeing reproduction as purely being a thing that makes the number of 'human' resources in a hive grow. They will therefore allocate a certain amount of resources to reproduction, and will exactly determine how many new Jre, and of what castes they need.   Also of note are Jre Hives. A Hive can both be the concept of a 'hive', which can be considered roughly analogous to a mix of a human family (albeit, a really large one), a city (or sometimes even a nation) and a private corporation. Hives are the forefront of all Jre society, and every hive even has minor genetical differences from one an other; the members of one Hive may have a red exoskeleton, whilst an other may possess a brown or yellow colour, for an example. Hives are also, however, the buildings in which Jre live. These are usually specifically known as Hive-Towers, and are somewhat of a combination of a house and a factory. As Jre need significantly less personal place than other sapients, they tend to have communal living areas, extraordinarly small hallways, and similar attributes. The Jre also feel most at home in houses with rather specific internal designs of rooms and hallways, that are similar to the Hives they used to build in their equivalent of the stone-age. Similarly, they tend to prefer almost spiral buildings, round rooms and hallways, and walls that appear covered with all kinds of random objects.   The Jre are, compared to other sapient species, a very instinct-driven race. Though they can be described as extremely resilient and adaptable to hostile enviroments, they will also always react in similar ways to similar situations. This has often been used against them, as they, as a group, are easy to manipulate. This is especialyl the case for individual Jre, or smaller groups. Larger groups tend to have more insights, and tend to be somewhat more flexible. Adult Jre can also be slow to learn new skills.  

Reproduction and Lifecycle

As stated before, Jre lay eggs which are fertilised outside of the body. These eggs do not possess a hard shell, and are instead more or less slimy yellow balls where an embryo grows in. They also develop significantly better in warmth than in cold, with colder temperatures often leading to deformities. This can be considered one of the only 'weaknesses' of the otherwise extremely adaptable Jre species, and limits their range of colonisable planets to hotter worlds. The eggs are layed by Workers, who drop them off in specialised rooms for non-fertilised eggs. Fertilisers will fertilise these eggs, after they which they will start to change colour from green to yellow as the embryo grows. The eggs will then be moved again to an other specialised area, in older times this was a room higher up in the hive with much decaying plant life being dropped on the ground to produce more heat. The caste of the larvae is determined by how much heat they receive, and as such the Jre will usually have multiple hatcheries, one for each caste. Nowadays, specialised heat lamps are used for the procedure. The Jre will usually predict exactly how many eggs they require for their collective to survive and prosper, any extra eggs are not fertilised and usually used for consumption.   The eggs will usually hatch after about 10 earth months. Jre larvae appear much like their adult counterparts, though significantly smaller (usually about 13 cm long). They will also have a more round head, with their eyes being placed more central on the head than with adult Jre. They have no true tentacles at this point, with all legs instead being equally sized and the only difference between a 'leg' and a 'tentacle' at this point being that what will become a tentacle does have the beginnings of an olfactory organ and the beginnings of glands that can produce pheromones. Though it is worth mentioning that Jre larvae have no sense of smell, nor the ability to produce pheromones. They also do not posess a proper beak at this point, instead having a soft organ that vaguely resembles one. Finally, they have no true exoskeleton, instead having a soft white skin, at first (usually covered in the 'shell' of their eggs, for an at least minimal protection) which grows harder and changes colour as they mature.   After hatching, the larvae will be moved to an other specialised set of rooms inside a Hive, where they will be educated both by Fertilisers and, depanding on their caste, by a group of Hunters or Workers. Though initially being less intelligent than even human babies, they develop extremely quickly and will reach the next stage of their development relatively quickly after only around half an Earth year. In this stage, which can be equated to a toddler or even a 6-12 year old of sorts, they will have something resembling an exoskeleton (though an extremely soft one), and are beginning to develop scent and pheromone glands. They will also have an extremely quickly developing mind, being able to learn a great many things in a relatively short amount of time. It is in this stage of their lives that the Jre will learn things like reading, maths, speach, and even basic work skills (specifics depanding on what the collective predicts they need at the time).   After about 3 Earth years, this stage comes to an end, and the next stage which can be roughly equated to puberty begins. Now the Jre's brain development slows down to a certain extend, though certain specific parts of it accelerate. It is in this stage that a Jre youngling develops more complicated emotions (and the ability to even feel certain emotions, like sadness and grief) in addition to morals. Similarly, it is here that any Jre starts to connect to their collective. This feeling of 'connection' cannot be lost in any lifetime, and what a Jre will come to see as their collective in this third stage will be what they see as their collective for life. Other parties can 'join' this collective in their eyes, though it'd be more accurate to say that they become 'linked' to it without actually fully joining it. The Jre at this point will look like a smaller adult Jre, with a somewhat bleakly coloured and softer exoskeleton. In most societies, it is at this stage that they are consistently allowed outside their Hive (assuming they are not a Fertiliser) and will do their first actual work experience. They will also learn more specific and detailed skills now.   After 2 earth years, at the age of 5, the Jre can be considered an adult. They will have a normal, fully developed exoskeleton at this point alongside fully developed tentacles, scent, and pheromone glands. Brain development also largely stops at this age, with adult Jre having a somewhat more difficult time to learn new skills or to accept new morals (though it is still possible). They will also start regurarly shedding their exoskeleton now, intitially once every year, though this slows down over time. Initially, they will be relatively small compared to older Jre, but as Jre never stop growing in their life this will soon be remedied. Their growth will also eventually slow down immensely, however.   From the age of about 26, Jre will start to slowly get worse. From this age onwards, the process of njeekkarner, in which the exoskeleton is shed and replaced, begins to slow down exponentially. As a result, healing will also become increasingly slower, and wounds that would have normally taken a relatively short time to heal can take years to heal. In addition, various bodily functions will start getting worse and worse; including but limited to: eyesight, scent, pheromone production, memory and coordination. The nervous system in general will also start to break down. It is also not uncommon for older Jre to develop a sickness known as artjekti'rko' (litt. impossible to control legs), where connection between the various nervous 'nodes' breaks down to the point that it becomes hard to control one's limbs. In certain extreme cases, this can even lead to the limbs becoming completely independant of the actual Jre, and getting a life of their own. A not entirely dessimilar disease called Tre'ra'rjeyt (Tre'ra' Disease, a Tre'ra' being a species which are to the Jre similar to what chimpanzees are to humans) also exists, where all the higher brain functions of a Jre 'rot' away, leaving only basic instincts. Suffers of this disease will usually attempt to still perform tasks for the Hive, but will usually be incapable of doing so. Most societies see it as inhumane to allow patients of the affliction to continue working, and they will usually be euthanised.   Most Jre, even in ancient societies, would usually live up to the age of 33-35. Modern life extension technology allows them to reach ages upwards to 40-45, which is seen as incredibly old in their society. The oldest Jre will usually be quite large and have a completely black to grey exoskeleton.  

Evolutionairy Development

"It appears that, in the Jre, sapience and a 'hive-intelligence' evolved at exactly the same pace. They originally thought any non-eusocial sapient species, let alone a spacearing one, a simply ludicrous concept- after all, how could any animal become sapient without any guidance from a group instinct, without it just leading to infighting and extinction?" -Mboshroni Xenohistorian N'shbak Mko Chtom in his book 'The Contact Wars: The How, Where and Why'
  The Jre evolved on the deserts of inner Jre'ma, the one supercontinent of their homeworld of Jaron. They are a part of a larger order on Jaron, known as Rko'nkj (litt.many leg) which evolved to live on land seperately from all other land-animals on Jaron, and can mainly be recognised by their abnormally large amount of legs and often millipede-like body plan. Rko'nkj are a somewhat succesful group of animals on Jaron, being found all across Jre'ma in many niches. Whilst most Rko'nkj live in the more tropical coasts of Jre'ma, or have even evolved to return to the sea similar to dolphins and the like on Earth, some have also taken to live in the inner deserts of the continent or the inbetween grasslands.   The Rko'nkj that evolved to live in the deserts of the planet quickly split into two groups: the Jre'rjeen (litt. Lonesome Jre), who evolved to be somewhat dangerous solo-predators, and the Artjankyaj'aktjok (litt. Our Group) who evolved to be increasingly social, eventually leading to eusocial species.   Artjankyaj'aktjok can be further divided into two groups: Lower, who are only somewhat intelligence and hunt in small groups, and Higher, who are eusocial and usually quite intelligent. It can thusly be said that as Artjankyaj'aktjok evolved to be more and more social and cooperated, they also developed more coordinated hunting strategies and social structures.   The first evidence of proto-tentacles in Artjankyaj'aktjok can be found in a Lower species known as Jktijjen (Jak'ran for Hard Tentacle), whose four frontal legs evolved to be increasingly long, likely in order to be able to grasp on prey better, some 67 million years ago. It is therefore believed that the Jkitjjen is the ancestor to all Higher Artjankyaj'aktjok. The first evidence of true tentacles is found in the Higher species of Arjmijjen (Jak'ran for First Tentacle) some 54 million years ago. It is suspected that the Jre's pheromone glands and olfactory organs developed some 5 million years later, though it is near impossible to pinpoint what species may have been the first to develop this.   Originally, most Higher Artjankyaj'aktjok simply murrowed large-ish nests in the qand, usually near oasis'. However, at a currently unkown point some species developed to build signficantly larger Hives that also greatly expand above the surface, being somewhat similar to termite hills in that respect. It is suspected that the Jre's collection instinct developed a few million years before, and was originaly mainly used as wall-reinforcements to keep underground tunnels from caving. The first true Hives were likely also build from a mixture of dirt, Worker-adhesive and various 'collectables' (mainly shells, exoskeletons and some stones). They were usually found near rivers,oasis, and underground water reservoirs.   At around the same time Hives started emerging, the first castes also developed. The first species with evidence of castes is known as Tktrkaj (Jak'ran for Casted). Most likely, castes developed as societal structures became increasingly more complex, Hives became increasingly bigger (both in the size of the actual burrows, and in population) and hunting territories also became bigger. Hunter- en Worker-equivalents appear to be the first castes to have evolved, as the species needed more food and defense, but also required a steady supply of builders and similar. Fertilisers likely evolved a few million years later, as Hives could afford to spend more resources just into growing. Over the next few million years, Castes would grow more specialised and refined, with increasingly more 'specific tools' at their disposal, such as specialised beaks and similar.   Originally Fertilisers had the potential to grow into so-called 'Founders', bigger, stronger and more intelligent Fertilisers that would traverse deserts on their own in order to meet up with Workers from other Hives and found new Hives. This ensured the survival of the entire species. This 'metamorphosis' was unlocked by feeding them more food than usual as larvae, similar to how Queens are 'created' in bee hives. Modern Fertilisers still have the potential to grow into Founders, but it is significantly harder and is seen as barbaric by most modern cultures.   An other major reason why the Jre managed to achieve sapience is the development of a symbiotic relationship with a species of moss known as Nren. Primitive Nren species mainly grew by the banks of rivers, similar places to where Artjankyaj'aktjo would build their Hives. As such, the two species developed a mutually beneficial relationship over a few million years similar to that of certain ants with certain mosses on Earth. Artjankyaj'aktjo species often encompass water sources in their Hives, not entirely unlike beaver damms. As such, the 'water pools' of a Hive would often have Nren growing around it. This Nren would be used as a food source by the oppurtunistic Artjankyaj'aktjo. It did not take long for the moss to adopt to these situations, however. Nren started producing stickier spores than before, which would be spread by Workes and Hunters throughout their territory's. In addition, it started adapting to the conditions of a Hive-room, and started producing pheromones similar to those primitive Artjankyaj'aktjo used to communicate emotions, eliciting a rather positive response in them. In return, the symbiotic species started building their Hive-rooms in ways more beneficial to the Nren moss, with the moss now often covering multiple entire rooms. They also brought in various 'rest-overs' and similar things to serve as fertiliser to the Nren. They'd also often build small air-holes that let in sunlight for the Nren's benefit.   This mutual beneficial relationship is believed to be the last stepping stone of Jre species to sapience, as it provided an easier access to the neccesary nutrients for a highly-intelligent brain. As such, it is perhaps not suprising that the first Jre species developed some 8 million years after the Nren symbiosis is believed to have evolved. These original Jre were not as intelligent as modern ones, and mainly kept to the rivers of their homeland. It did not take long for more intelligent species to develop, however, and this one would soon spread over the entire planet, leaving the 'original' species extinct in the modern day. Since then, this original 'true' Jre phenotype has diversified and spred over the entire planet, with multiple phenotypes similar to human ones. Most hives also have somewhat unique genetics.    


This Section is a summary, for the main article visit Jre History
"We must unite in the face of this great adversity, or face certain extinction. It is as simple as that." -UTCJ Chairman Hunter 7785-54 of the Green Canopies

Early History

The Jre originally developed on the various river-banks of the southern half of their homeworlds one continent, Jre'ma. Their ancient tribes were already somewhat 'civilised' (as in, settled and with some form of proper hierarchy) at this time, due to their natural eusocial instincts. They would, for various reasons including climate change, technological developments and food shortages, eventually slowly migrate away from their original rivers, claiming the entirety of Jre'ma in the process. Most of the desert cultures developed in much the same way to the original Jre tribes, whilst those in the grasslands became more-or-less nomadic, with most of their Hives huntign and herding animals across the plains with some living in 'fortress-Hives' where the young and the Fertilisers were kept safe, and in the jungles of their homeworld they were often forced to develop methods of dealing with the great amounts of plant-growth there.   Eventually, the Jre of the Southern Desert developed things like advanced agriculture, architecture and the first writing systems. As such, true history started for the Jre, with them entering what they temselves called the 'First Imperial Age'. Not much is known of this time, as these civilisiations mostly used writing for trade, accounting and the very rare letter written by the elite to the elite. This is not to say that nothing is known of the First Imperial empires, but the details will not be discussed here. These empires eventually collapsed for currently unkown reasons, though it is most likely they fell due to an economic collapse caused by them using t'ajk as currency instead of actually rare resources, followed soon by an increase in raids and attacks by the nomads of the grasslands (who, at this point, had adopted a quite warlike culture, likely after being invaded by people leaving the deserts in one of the great migrations of Jaron). After this collapse, there were a few centuries of seeming chaos, with almost all written records dissapearing. Eventually, the so-called Mojokron Khanate rose from the Southern Grasslands, and conquered much of the deserts also. Though they did conquer most of their territory violently, they did brought order, stability and prosperity to the region. The Khanate also 'invented' the idea of using writing to keep historical accounts, and write cultural and religious stories down, thereby giving us a much clearer view of Jre history after them. Finally, their Khans foudned nad funded one of the larger modern day religions of the Jre, Majrak Nrojmar. In spite of many previous historians seeing the Mojokron as 'barbarians', the Neo-Nejkoid peoples still look up to the Khanate, even venerating its founders as near-gods. In the modern day, the Khanate does get the recognisation it deserves, however.   Eventually the Khanate would fall, due to increasingly weak and corrupt leaders, leading to internal strife, leading to various provinces rising up in open revolt. One of the these revolting nations were the Jak'ran, who, as the Khanate and fell to increasingly more violence and internal strife, would conquer much of previously Mojokron territory for themselves, eventually becoming the next superpower. The Jak'ran were essentially a federation of what could best be described as 'city-states', and were largely based on trade and prosperity, soemthing later Jre civilisiations are still emulating. They created the Jtijjar identity, funded poets and the like, and still have a major influence on modern Jre culture. In many ways, the Jak'ran were essentially the equivalent to what the ancient Greco-Romans were to humans to the Jre.The philosopher Great Jaws of the Great Emerald Hive is seen as the founder of modern Jre philosophy and the prophet God-Chosen and their many discipples are the founders of the currently largest Jre religion of Arajiism. The Jak'ran also invented the concept of the Imperial Mandate, a philosophical concept which is still adherred to some extend by most modern Jre that civilisiation needs a 'superpower', an 'Empire', to lead it to prosper to its fullest. As such, certain nations have the 'Imperial Mandate', either because they're the most efficient and best choice, or because the divine decreed it (depanding on the individual). The Jak'ran would, much like the Mojokron, fall after centuries of decline, with a final, massive civil war being the final straw for them.   After the fall of Jak'ran, the Southern Deserts saw something of a medieval era. This is not to say that no technological development happened at all, but there were no really great empires at the time and development did slow down to some extend. The most major inventon of this era in the Southern Deserts was gunpowder, which fundamentally changed Jre society. It was basically inmediately used for bombs of various kinds, bringing great destruction to the Southern Deserts. As a reaction, similarly cultured nations began entering alliances to protect themselves, leading to something akin to a 'cold war'. Eventually, many of these alliances developed pan-nationalist feelings as technologies like the printing press and similar were used to propagade ideas ever further, leading to many of them uniting and becoming the first 'modern' nations of Jaron.   Meanwhile, the North also saw a golden age with the so-called Kojtik Republic, an empire not entirely unlike the Roman Republic which spread their culture and legacy across much of the North. They would eventualyl fall, leaving hundreds of warlords and utter chaos in their wake. In this wartorn climate, the religion of Krojaner was developed to cope with it.  

Colonial Age

Eventually, the South invented steampower engines. This lead to further inventions, such as actual industries, trains, better mining and resource extraction methods, and even a sort of steampowered 'car'. Using these new technologies, the Southern nations would explore and discover basically the entire planet eventually. Whilst they first just wanted to trade peacefully with the other peoples of Jaron, they quickly started becoming more and more agressive and imperialist towards technologically inferior nations, leading to them conquering essentially all of Jre'ma, and enslaving their populations. Due to the tension this led to between rival coloniser, the so-called International Colonial-Pact was formed in an effort to 'civilise the savages and give the good example'.   The colonised peoples were often treated extremely badly, leading to them often revolting against their overlords, but every such revolt was quickly beaten down by the colonisers. They were often forced to convert both religiously and culturally by their overlords, which in turn lead to many movements against this forming. These include, but are not limited to, the religions of Jito-Krojaner and Jikronism.   This abuse would not last though. As technology and education started becoming more widespread, and as more and more Hives began to feel at least equally as 'civilised' as these 'colonials' due to either adopting their customs or one of the new anti-colonial religions/ philosophies, the rebellions against the Southern colonisers got increasingly more frequent. Even inside the South itself, a movement akin to the Enlightenment of Earth occured arguing for a radical reformation of society; they wished to completely uphold the previous, almost feudal economic system in favour of various new ideologies. The most popular of these were Syndo-Mercantilism, which wished for all Hives to become more similar to the already existant mercantile Hives or the various Syndicates, and Productionism, which is a movement similar to communism, primarily concerning itself with the way goods should be produced and equally distributed across the entire collective. The previous systems of government were also becoming increasingly criticised, and the entire idea of colonialism especially was despised by these new philosophers. As technology improved evne more and slavery or other forms of forced labour became even less profitable, decolonisation was eventually started.  

Early Modern History

The first ex-colonial nation to gain independance was the Tijijm Collective. The Collective would quickly embrace Syndo-Mercantilist, greatly encouraging Hives to become more mercantile and form Syndicates. This would make the Collective an increasingly important economic power, leading to many other ex-colonial nations to also embrace Syndo-Mercantaillism, and, later down the line, for the system to spread to even the ex-colonisers. It would also serve as an encouragement for colonisers to decolonise, as fair trade was now much more profitable than abusement and slavery. The Collective would also push other nations to decolonise and free their territories. As their influence grew, they would found a UN-like organisation, abosrbing many previous organisations such as the International Colonial-Pact, for regulating and promoting trade world-wide: the United Trade Committee of Jaron (UTCJ), which many would already join in those days.   Things did not go as well, however, for the Northern territories, primarily because there were still many culturual tensions between the various Northern peoples from pre-colonial times, and because they were essentially forced to embrace Syndo-Mercantillism, even though most Northerners much preferred Productionism. All of these factors quickly lead to violent uprisings, revolutions, and wars. These wars were then quickly taken advantage off by less scrupulous Syndicates, who purposefully destabilised the region more to sell weapons, medicine and similar things. Many Southern nations did try to intervene, but any diplomatic intervention failed, and military interventions only brought more violence and unstability. Eventually, they just resorted to lending aid through non-profit organisations wherever they could. These conflicts would become known as the Neo-Colonial Wars. Eventually, the identities of many of the involved Syndicates was revealed in the controversy known as colonogate. This led to them being trialed for their crimes against Jre-kind, and for them to loose all their assets and power. This gave the UTCJ the chance to sweep in with military and diplomatic actions in certain areas of the North, where they managed to stabilise certain regions. These nations would, somewhat begrudgingly, be allowed on the Committee whilst also keeping their Productionist values.   Eventually, global trade and increasing technology would lead to beginnings of globalisation occuring on Jaron. The various peoples of Jaron became increasingly connected, and started to feel a certain kinship to eachother.The UTCJ also became increasingly more powerful as an organisation. It was also in this era that the Rajjre language was invented, as a way for diplomats, bussinessmen and the like to more easily communicate with eachother. It is one of the only actually succesful auxilliary languages in Known Space. A primitive space-program was also started, which got some sattelites in space but not much else. Things were seeming optimistic, as more and more of the North was also stabilising at the time and general prosperity on Jaron went up.   However, this would not last as the planet Jaron would undergo massive climate change and global warming due to Jre industry, and their refusal to do anything about it. This eventually led to the Apocalyptic Drought, a year in which, due to heat waves, drought, and later on toxic rains and floods in certain areas, millions died. This caused an awakening in Jaronese politics, and triggered almost every Jre's alive at the time Hive-Determination, leading to wars stopping practically overnight, factories to simply close down, and for certain areas of research to gain donations ranging in the thousands or millions. The UTCJ would gain much more power, and would, over the course of a few years, become essentially a world government. Though it'd also change it's structure, purely employing experts on the matter and some of the richest and most powerful Syndicates. Many technologies to ensure things didn't get worse were developed, and a new space program was started.   Due to the urgency of the situation, this space program would quickly lead to the first Jre on Nayra, and not much later Jir. Eventually, multiple space stations, and even space habitats, would be launched into orbit. Whilst this ensured that Jre-kind would not go extinct due to Jaronese climate change, it was not enough to quell the Jre's Hive-Determination. Moon colonies on both Nayra and Jir were also established, and eventually these were used as a launching point to colonise Rallij's Inner Asteroid Ring. This provided the resources to build a space elevator on Jaron, granting a massive boost to the planet's economy, without much further cost to the enviroment. This, in turn, led to technologie to combat climate change, such as an industrial method to convert atmospheric CO2 into blocks of graphite, genetically engineered species who were able to more easily survive the new enviroment, and even combat it and many more such technologies. Climate change was, thusly, eventually solved for the Jre, though the effects of it would more than linger. For more more than 140 years, the entirety of Jre-kind lived in fear of what might happen on Jaron, millions still died to climate change, and practically the entirety of their culture at the time was based around solving climate change, or lamenting the effects of it. The UTCJ had now officially become the world-government of Jaron, and most of Jre-kind, and it returned to a government system closer to its roots, leading to the modern system with Hives or Syndicates buying Votes to get into the Committee. Many areas of UTCj territory were, and usually still are, allowed to dabble in more Productionist systems, though most of these still enjoy being part of the greater UTCJ whole.   Due to the fact that the Jre no longer focused practically all their resources on combating climate change, they now began to colonise more of their home system. Building bases on the planets of Mkon and Jrannam which would evntually grow into semi-independant colonies. This would also spark the construction of the Rallij dyson swarm, primarily with resources from the Inner Asteroid ring. The planet of Stoj was also colonised to provide more resources of the swarm, and to oversee its construction. Funding the megastructure was also essentially what got the Syndicates Mkon into the politically powerful place it is in today. The energy produced by the (incomplete) swarm would also be used to power the first experiments relating to Jumpspace. Construction of the swarm was finishedafter around 30 years.   Partially due to the energy budget they now had, but primarily because of how obvious dyson swarms are in space, it was around thid time the Jre discovered alien civilisiations in the form of the Bwojom Union, and (unbeknownst to them at the time) the Toshran and Pakoph civilisiations. They discovered these civilisiations in around the same 50 years, because of observing their dyson swarms and picking up transmissions from them. The Jre tried to open op a conversation with every single one of them, but only managed to eventually reach official First Contact with the Union. The Toshra ignored them due to political situations in their homesystem, and due to general xenophobia on their part, whilst the Pakoph ignored them on the basis that the existance of alien life contradicted some Meterovoronist 'dogma's' at the time, and the knowledge was as such, kept secret as much as possible. In spite of this, the Jre became quick allies with the Bwojom, in spite of their major differences in economic ideology (the UTCJ being essentially anarcho-capitalists, and the Union being much more similar to Earth Communists). The UTCJ and the Union would trade technolgoies, art, and other 'products' that can be transmitted via radio. The Jre actually gave the Bwojom the technology for artificial Jumpfields, which the Bwojom developed into true Jump-Travel. The schematics for a Jump-Projector were also later transmitted to the Jre, granting them FTL technology at last.   It is also important to mention the effects First Contact had on Jre society. Perhaps surprisingly, these were not particularly severe. The Jre had always assumed there was other life out there, and had even hoped for it so that they could find new trade partners and new t'ajk. They were more shocked, however, by the fact the Bwojom were not eusocial, as they had assumed eusociality was essential to developing sapience. It was even assumed that the Pakoph and the Toshra must be eusoical, with the Bwojom essentially being a fluke. In addition, they were somewhat concerned over the apparent xenophobia present in Toshra and Pakoph civilisiations at the time, partially explaining their alliance with the Union.

Contact Wars

(To be expanded on later)  


"Profit. Profit is our highest goal. But not, as so many think, profit for the sake of greed, or for the sake of to gain comfort. No. Yes, we are merchants. Yes, we are industrialists. But we do it for our collective. We seek profit to better our entire Hive, to better our people. That is our way." -Jre diplomat Hunter 8874-16 of the Wordsmiths, at an bussiness convention on First Triumph, 7 AV
  Whilst the Jre have, of course, many cultures, there are some aspects that are almost universally shared in most modern Jre cultures. Firstly there is the fact that every Jre culture has some variation of a Hive, as the Hive as a concept is both essential to the Jre psychology and to their natural lifestyle, though the exact roles of the Hive do differ from culture to culture. Most modern day Jre view the Hive, due to Tijjijm and Jtijjar influences, as something that can be best described as a blend between a clan, a city, and a private corporation. Each Hive focuses on producing a certain, usually highly specific service, and then associates themselves with other Hives in so-called Syndicates (which can, in turn, be likened to a perfect combination between a mother-compagny, and a political party) to make as much profit as possible. These Syndicates usually have a few founder-Hives, who all have a major say in the Syndicate's goings on, and a major share in the profits, and who have all signed some kind of Charter. Apart from this,the vast majority of bigger Syndicates also 'employ' certain Hives, often with permanent, exclusive contracts. These contracted Hives have less of a say in the Syndicate's activities, and can be essentially likened to employees, but on a larger scale. There are also hives in this system that can be described as 'freelancers', not belonging to an Syndicate but simply offering their services for a limited time to other Hives or Syndicates. It is also not uncommon for Syndicates to work together, be it as equals, or with one being the employer and the other beign the employee.This system is often known as the Syndo-Mercantalist system, after the economic ideology that inspired it, or the Tijj-Jtijjar system, after the two main cultures that espouse it. Other, notable systems include the Nejkoid system, which sees Hive much more as clans who compete with one an other in (sometimes violent, sometimes friendly) competition and rivalry for resources of various kinds, and the Productionist/Ajajjtra system, which sees Hives more as individual units of society which should all contribute for the greater good. Both systems are also 'in use' in various Enclaves, or even autonomous regions of the UTCJ itself. It is also common for individual Hives (or Syndicates) to have their own symbols in a system not entirely dessimilar to the heradlry of medieval Europe, though the symbols of the Jre tend to be more simple and abstract. It is also very common for individual Jre to incorporate these symbols into their daily appearance, either in the form of clothing, or by painting it on their exoskeletons. An other universal concept amongst Jre cultures is an importance of T'ajk, as that too is an instinctual part of Jre pscyhology. T'ajk come in many varieties, most usually interesting rocks and crystals, figurines of historic/mythical/fictional figures, or even trading card sets.   Most modern Jre societies also put great importance on resources, trade and profit. They tend to dislike war and violence, seeing it as wasteful and preferring trade and diplomacy to solve issues or gain resources. Trade is seen as the highest good, as it is seen as the flow of ideas and resources which keeps societies young and prosperous. Merchants are often seen with great respect, and Hives specialising in buying, selling or even simply transporting goods are also viewed with respect and honour. Most Jre are rather xenophillic, as they see all other species and cultures as potential economic partners first, enjoy alien commodities as t'ajk and believe foreign ideas and perspectives enrich their society. Though there are many notable exceptions, who beleive (most) other species are inherently unprofitable, therefore giving the Jre the right to rule over them. Most of these individuals can be found in the Golden Hives.   Finally, most Jre cultures across history care relativelly little for art outside of t'ajk, especially architecture. They tend to put the conservation of resources and profit over artistic expression.  

Notable Jre Cultures

  Whilst the previous subsection gave a general overview of most Jre cultures, this subsection will provide a short summary of most of the major cultures of the Jre in the year 151 AV. (centres to be added once stellar geograhpy is worked out)
Name Place of Origin Main Centres Description
Jtijjar Southern Jre'ma, Near Central Mountain Range Southern Jre'ma, Mkon The Jtijjar are perhaps the biggest, and most influential of Jre cultures. They are a pragmatic people, being characterised mostly by the simplicity of their designs and art. They are also known for their love of industry, and their work ethic, which is, even by Jre standards, 'extreme'. Finally, the Jtijjar traditionally see all people as connected, n a way, and are therefore usually pacifist.
Tijjijm South-west Coast of Jre'ma, Tijjijm Collective South-West Jre'ma Coast, Mkon The Tijjijm are a syncretic culture, being a combination of Jtijjar values and traditions and those of various native jungle ones. Though they are equally pragmatic to the Jtijjar, they do have a bigger appreciation for beauty and architecture (though still only a minor one by the standards of other species) often recycling waste into t'ajk and other forms of art. They also have a greater appreciation for nature than the Jtijjar, and Tijjijm Hives often pay for reservation-habitats or similar. In spite of their relatively small size and preference for smaller settlements, they are an influental people, as the main founder of the UTCJ, and the champions of Syndo-Mercantilism.
Nejkoid South-Eastern Grasslands of Jre'ma South-Eastern Jre'ma Grasslands, 'Nejkaraj' Enclave The Nejkoid peoples are one of the oldest cultural groups of Jaron, having a long and storied history and many, many deep-rooted tradtions. This is also a fact they are immensly proud of. The Nejkoid are not one people, but many, closely related peoples that share certain characteristics. They usually have a certain independant streak from the rest of the UTCJ, even if most are happy to be members of it, tend to be less pragmatic than other cultures (indulging in some minor festivities) and tend to be much more spiritual than other cultures .Whilst most have embraced a modern lifestyle, many still live according to the semi-nomadic ways of their ancestors, made possible largely due to the Ashrollist concept of Enclaves.
Ajajittra Outer Southern Desert of Jre'ma Outer Southern Jre'ma Desert The ancestral Ajajittra culture was born out of Nejkoid invaders mingling with Southern Desert peoples, though they have changed immensely since that period. In the modern day, the Ajajiitra tend to consist of close-knit communities inside the greater UTCJ who will tend to help eachother out in times of need. In addition, Ajajiittra peoples tend to be slighlty more religious than other Jre cultures, though not to the same extend as Nejkoid cultures. Finally, the Ajajittra have a certain appreciation for poetry and literature uncommon in Jre cultures, making most of Jre poetry Ajajittra in origin.
Taj!tak North-Eastern Desert of Jre'ma North-Eastern Desert of Jre'ma The Taj!tak people are a proud one. Whilst most have, after the 120 years following the Apocalyptic Drought, embraced the idea of a united Jre nation, they still wish for some level of independance and many still openly oppose the UTCJ. They are known for their honest and outspoken nature, and their levels of political involvement. Many Taj!aki prefer Productionism over Syndo-Mercantilism, leading to the Committee granting many Autonomous Regions to them. They have a certain affenity for martial arts, leading to most of the Jaronese army to consist of Taj!tak or other Northern mercenary-Syndicates. It is also important to note that they are not the only northenr people, but they are the most numerous and influential one.


Whilst Jre languages are, as the languages of every species, extremely diverse, there are certain characteristics shared between many of them. First of all, many Jre languages have three linguistic genders based on the three castes the species exhibits. Due to their extreme need for co-operation, when compared to other species, all Jre languages are efficient and to the point, though some might have more poetic and complicated versions for the sake of art. The Jre tend to have words which inmediately denote how useful something is, and what it can be used for. For an example, Rajjre makes a distinction between 'katnam', the space in an artificual structure, workplaces, rooms and 'yajkaj', the space outside of strucutre, 'open space', but also natural rooms which are usually currently not used for anything in particular, such as caves. In addition, many Jre languages have a complicated class system apart from the gender, as the Jre are used to think in things in relation to Hives.
Name Number of Speakers Historical Information Notable Characteristics Sample Word(s)
Rajjre 135 000 (Native, Formal), 50 billion (Informal, Native), 79 billion (Formal, Non-Native) Rajjre was originally an international aux-lang designed at the request of the United Trade Committee in the year 364 BV. The language was made to be as simple and straightforward as possible, even by Jre standards. Since then, it has branched out in the Informal Rajjre Language group in the off-Jaron colonies. These 'Informal' languages have more 'colourful' characteristics, which makes them more applicable for daily use outside of politics and science, but also much harder to learn for non-native speakers. Very simplified grammar without many exceptions, 3-gender noun class system, all nouns treated like mass-nouns, tense through time-indicating adverbs, modificiation of words avoided whenever possible, extremely strict VSO word order Raj (language, speach, ideology, religion) naktan (work that brings benefit to the Hive), romtan (work that has no particular use for the Hive)
Tjiktmik 3 billion (native) Tjiktmik is the historical language of much of the Jtijjar peoples. It evolved out of the Jak'ran language, in a similiar way to how modern French comes from Latin. It is consdiered a fairly 'hard' and 'mechanical' language nowadays, and is rarely used for art. 3-gender noun class system, all nouns treated like mass nouns, tense and mood through affix building, extremely complicated tense system, rarely uses loan-words, VOS word order Tjkraa (unexploited resource), tjmrat (exploited resource), kraji (to use a tool)
Tchitchej 5 billion (non-native), 500 000 (native Tchitchej is a constructed language made to serve as an auxlang to the Nejkoid peoples. It combines many aspects of the Nejkoid language family, and is known for its many abstract and sometimes even vague (by Jre standards) words 6-gender noun class system based on animacy, compulsatory (in)defenite article, noun case system, free word order Chetran (to spread an idea, to convert, to inform)
Tijijjm 3 billion (native) Tijjijm is a creole language of Tjiktmik and many languages native to the south-eastern jungles of Jre'ma. It is known primarily for its many words to describe nature 3-gender noun class system, heavy reliance on affixes to change meaning, gluttinisation of words, affix-based verb tense and mood, VOS word order Bmjakta (great tree), Ajab (flower-sprouting plant), Kjoljakta (alien plant)
Ajajijm 5 billion (native) Ajajijm is the language of the Ajajittra peoples. It is one of the oldest languages of Jaron, having changed relatively little over the course of history. It is also known for its poetic beauty. usage of time-indicating adverbs for tense, noun-case system, free word order Kojjiim (story, myth, legend), kojtir (god)
Taj!tak 5 billion (non-native) Taj!tak is the primary language spoken in the North. Few speak it as a native language, but it was the language of the Kjottro Republic and is still considered a prestige language, used for communciation alognside Northern peoples. It is also the only Northern Jre'ma language most translators have installed. 4-gender noun clas ssystem (Jre castes+ neuter), VSO word-order, due to an unusually big sound inventory, many sounds are rendered as 'click consonants' in humanised Taj!tak Kro!jra (sharing), Bta!!ra (teacher, guru, priest)
Jak'ran Extinct Jak'ran was the language used by the Jak'ran people, and the ancestral language of many Southern languages. It enjoys a similar prestige as Latin does to humanity, and is still used for many scientific and religious concepts across cultures. 3-gender noun clas system, complicated tense system, tense and mood through affixes, VOS word-order Jt'ari (Empire), Jt'ani Mabrakt (Imperial Mandate)


Compared to most other species, the Jre tend to be fairly aloof in religious matters. They don't realyl care what others believe, as long as they can benefit their own Hives. In fact, it is fairly rare for Jre to even build temples and monuments in the first place, as it is usually seen as a waste of resources. When they do construct such spiritual buildings, the religious aspect of them is most commonly almost an afterthought, with the temple usually also having a very practical and material use. Arajiist places of worship, for instance, are almost always just the workplaces of factories, with some minor modifications to connect it to the Arajiist faith. An other thing that is important to note about Jre spiritualist is the presence of the Hive or Collective in their religions; every Jre religion has some rather tangential explanation for what the Hive actually is, due to the extremely real way Jre are able to 'connect' with the concept of 'the Collective'. As such, most Jre religions have at least some pantheist influences, if they aren't just outright pantheistic. It is also important to note that the Jre are a majority atheist species, with around 62 billion of all Jre self-describing as atheist, agnostic or other irreligious.
Name Number of Followers Founded Main Following Description
Majrak Nrojmar 5 Billion Exact founding unknown, reformed in 3 371 BV, at the Temple of Temples, Jammtak Nejkoid and Ajjajitra peoples Quite possibly one of the oldest religions on Jaron the Majrak Nrojmar faith holds that there is one 'ancestral god' all the other divine entities and gods sprung from. These gods are, in turn, the 'incarnations' of the Hives, with every god beign directly tied to a certain Hive, and every individual Jre being an aspect of the god in that way. The faith holds that the Hives must work together, in order to impress the ancestral god, but is relatively unconcerned with much else.
Arajiism 10 Billion 2 705 BV, Jokkraj Mountain Range Jtijjar and Tijjijm Peoples Arajiism is the biggest religion of the Jre species. It holds that there is one true, pantheistic god, Arajar (litt. the 'Unkowable), who, at the beginning of time, split themselves apart to create the universe. As such, everything is a part of Arajar, every god, every spirit, every hive and so forth. They also believe that every individual is, in truth, a spirit and their connections and friendships can form new gods (e.g, the god of a military squadron). The religion primarily concerns itself with simply living a good life in service of the Hive, as the opposite is believed to slowly corrupt the gods and make them insane.
Krojaner 1 Billion 449 BV Taj!tak and other Northern People Jito-Kroja, or 'New Enlightenment', is a syncretic religion which combines aspects of Arajiism, Majrak Nrojmar, and Krojaner. They believe that there resides a 'world soul', which they also call Arajar, somewhere in the collective unconscious of the universe. The other gods are then both children and aspects of the World Soul, and include the Hives. Guru's, in Jito-Kroja, are those who come to understand the collective unconsciousness and the World Soul and gained mystical powers in the process. The religion is staunchly against slavery or opression, and concerns itself mainly with philosophy and promoting equality amongst all.
Jikronism 850 Million 440 BV Various North-Eastern Jre'ma peoples Jikronism is another syncretic religion, combining elements and gods of many native Jungle religions of the so-called 'Tijktara Peninsula', some realtively major Majrak Nrojmar influences and some minor Arajiist influences. They believe there used to be only one god in the world, but that They got fractured into many seperate pieces, the various Hives and peoples of the world. Only when all pieces of God can be brought together once again, can there be true equality, peace and prosperity for all in the universe


"The Hive Prospers" -Common Jre rallying cry
The Jre are a fairly united people. Most Jre live as citizens of the United Trade Committee of Jaron (UTCJ), a syndo-mercantilsit plutocratic oligarchy. In other words, this means the UTCJ follows the aforementioned syndo-mercantilism economic ideology. Participation inside its government is based on how money a Hive has, as Hives must essentially pay to be able to Vote, in something akin to a subscription ot the government. A hive can also pay for more Votes, and those with the most Votes get a direct spot on the Trade Committee, in a similar vein to the majority share-holders of the corporations of other species. In essnece, the Committee does most of the actual direct governing of the UTCJ, with lesser Voters voting only when the Committee asks it (which is quite often, as the Votes are one of the main sources of iincome ofr the UTCJ government), or when they decide to start a petition to stop or change some government decision themselves. The UTCJ is a mostly decentralised government, with individual Hives, Syndicates and planets being mostly left to their own devices. The Committee, then, primarily concerns itself with stimulating trade internally, making laws (when neccesary) and foreign policy. The UTCJ is also a member-state of the Commonwealth of Stars, and make heavy use of its institutions and capabilities. For an example, the UTCJ military is fairly minimal, and they rely mostly on the military of other members to protect themselves. It is important to note that the UTCJ gives back to the Commonwealth as a whole by being the biggest economy inside it, and sharing their wealth greatly with the other members through all kinds of programs they (help) fund. Most Jre feel like a distinct and respected part of the UTCJ, and the Commonwealth as a whole even if they are not particularly patriotic compared to other members.     There are, of course, many Jre who oppose both the UTCJ and the CoS, sometimes even violently so. The biggest of such 'terrorist groups' is without a doubt the Golden Hives, a decentralised organisation consistign of many Hive-Fleets which are each, to some extend, their own faction. The Golden Hives are fiercely specieist, and are often times describe as Jre-supremacist. They believe that all other species (with the exception of maybe the Bwojom) are inherently unprofitable and lazy, whereas the Jre are an inherently profitable and hard-working species. In their view, other species are essentially parasitising off the UTCJ, and the UTCJ is too weak and too ignorant to stop it. They believe that Jre should rule the universe, or at least a big part of it, as they would be able to use its resources to the fullest. They also believe that it is completely justified to enslave other species, as then they would at least bring some benefit to the collective. They are one of the most feared and hated groups within the Commonwealth, being responsible for numerous terrorist attacks and pirate raids. They are also one of the biggest players in the Bathori Slave Trade.

Biological Information

Type: Eusocial, Arachnid, Group Hunter   Height: ~1 Meter   Length: ~3 Meters (Hunter), ~2.5 Meters (Worker), ~1.2 Meters (Fertiliser)   Diet: Oppurtunistic Omnivore, Preference For Hard-Shelled Insects and Plants   Lifespan: 35 Years (Naturally), 45 years (Life-Extension)   Method of Reproduction: Eggs, External Fertilisation, R-Selection   Method of Communication: Clicks and Various Other Sounds (Advanced) Pheromones (Emotion)   Preferred Biome: Dry, Hot Climates (Particularly Deserts), Extremely Adaptable   Homeworld: Jaron  

Societal Information

  Technological Level: Jump-Era   Population: ~84 Billion   Main Factions: United Trade Committee of Jaron, Golden Hives   Majority Religions: Arajiism, Jikronism, Majrak Nrojmar, Krojraner, Jito-Kroja   Majority Languages: Rajjre, Tchitchej, Tjiktmik, T!tjik, Tijjijm, Ajjajim   Majority Ethnicities: Jtijjar, Nejkoid, Taj!tak Ajajjtra, Tijjijm,
Jre Compared to Human by Ensyn
Example of a Hunter Beak In Action by Ensyn
Jre Hatchling by Biologicah

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Cover image: Jre by Ensyn


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