Orc Species in Realm of Winval | World Anvil
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Orcs are a race of humanoids that have been a threat to the civilised cultures of Winval, for as long as any could remember. This has however changed somewhat in recent years as more and more tribes and settlements of orcs have come around to a more civilised lifestyle, looking to abandon their destructive and war-driven heritage. Because of this history, many are quick to distrust orcs of any clan.

Basic Information


Orcs vary in appearance, based on region and subrace, but all share certain physical qualities. Orcs of all kinds usually have greyish skin, coarse hair, stooped postures, low foreheads, large muscular bodies, and porcine faces that feature lower canines that resemble boar tusks. Many also have wolf-like ears that are pointed on the ends, similar to elves. Orcs are roughly the same size as humans and other similar humanoids, though usually robust and muscular.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Orcs have poor temperaments and are given to anger more easily than some races. Easily offended and impatient, orcs generally prefer violent solutions and rarely consider multiple ways of approaching a problem. However, in spite of this many orcs are excellent at getting results, since they are creatures of action, not thought. There are of course many exceptions, particularly in more civilised clans.   Traditional orcish culture is extremely warlike and when not at war the race is usually planning for it. Most orcs approach life with the belief that to survive, one has to subjugate potential enemies and control as many resources as possible, which puts them naturally at odds with other races as well as each other. This belief is spurred in part by Gruumsh and his pantheon, which teaches that all races are inferior to the orcs. Eyes of Gruumsh are orcs specially tied to the one-eyed god and offer sacrifices, read omens and advise tribes through Gruumsh's will.   Male orcs dominate most orcish societies and females are usually, at best, prized possessions and little better than livestock at worst. Male orcs pride themselves on their number of wives and sons, as well as their scars from battle and rituals. Orcs also prize the possession of slaves, though relatively few own them.       Most orcs don't build cities of their own, instead relying on those left behind by others and improving their fortifications or operating out of small camps and dens, often in natural caves. Orcs have managed ironwork on their own, as well as stonework, though their tools are often inferior to those of more disciplined races.
50 years
Average Height
6' - 7'
Average Weight
230 - 280 lbs

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