Mercuria Geographic Location in Realm of Winval | World Anvil
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Mercuria is known as the Golden Heaven because a warm golden light suffuses everywhere. It containes the armory for the noblest warriors who come here for their eternal rest. If necessary, Mercuria is the marshaling ground for the armies of the Heavens.


Gentle hills and lush green valleys comprise this plane, which is also dotted with small settlements of archons and other good-aligned beings. Mercuria is known for its great tombs and monuments to noble fighters and paladins resting on the plane. These warriors are honoured during an annual Day of Memory. It is a lush and verdant land with crops, meadows, moors, hills, and rolling countryside all bathing in the soft glow from a sky reminiscent of the luster of white pearls. Its slopes are often seen covered with a gentle layer of snow. Peaceful brooks and carefully terraced fields are common in Mercuria.
Alternative Name(s)
The Golden Heaven
Dimensional plane
Related Myths

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