Draldath Character in Realm of Winval | World Anvil
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Bringer of Dawn

Draldath, whose title is The Morning Lord, is a deity of creativity, dawn, renewal, birth, spring, self-perfection, vitality and youth. He favours those who dispel the undead and blesses those who plant new life. Draldath is also the god called upon to bless birth and fertility related ceremonies.

Holy Books & Codes

"Draldath is lord of all birth and rebirth. He is blesser of all born in his light and brings good fortune to them. Crops and harvests that are sown in his gaze grow large and bountiful under his golden blessing. The undead and unnatural are unholy as they have been risen not of his hand and so must be banished as they are beings of true impurity. Evil must be cast out to make space for Draldath's rebirth. The sun and moon are his glowing eyes which guide us to good health and ensure we are always protected from the suffering of this life."

Tenets of Faith

Novices in the Draldathian faith are called the Awakened, while clerics are known as Dawnbringers. The full priests take a new name in his service when they are ready to signify that Draldath personally recognizes and accepts them. This new name can either be used instead of their old name or simply used only when addressing other Dawnbringers and when in solitary prayer. Other titles include (in ascending order): Dawngreeter, Dawnlord, High Dawnlord, and Dawnmaster, while an elite cleric is referred to as a Morninglord. All followers are required to be of neutral to good alignment.   All of Draldath's clergy respect art, liberty, nature, and culture; promote betterment of oneself; and strive to bring hope to their followers and others. Many of these followers work in various creative arts. They are intolerant of evil, especially undead and inaction that causes evil to prosper. Most ceremonies of Draldath are held at dawn and actions and contracts agreed to at sunrise are said to be blessed by him. Funerals, among his followers, are held at dusk, and followed by a wake that lasts until dawn.
Divine Classification
Current Location

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