Katie De'lacour Character in Realm of Winval | World Anvil
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Katie De'lacour

Queen of Thieves

Katie De'lacour is Queen of The Thieves' Underground meaning she gets a cut of all jobs undergone by members of her criminal guild as well as a tax on all items bought and sold in the black market which takes place in the sewers of Tanner's Folly. Katie has an office in the upstairs room of The Rusty Tankard Inn in Tanner's Folly in which members of the guild may come to her for jobs or information. For a price of course.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Katie De'lacour was the daughter of a petty thief and as such grew up in a downtrodden building in a rough part of Tanner's Folly. When she was twelve years old her father broke into a wealthy home on the outskirts of Arkun hoping to make enough money to leave this life behind and buy him and his daughter a proper home where he could get a more reputable job.   What her father didn't realise however, is that this home belonged to a wealthy mobster called Tony Grimlock. Grimlock's Gang controlled a lot of the business' in Tanner's Folly and his son Harvey was the current King of The Thieves' Underground. Because of this, Tony was able to find her father with little effort and had his men break into their home and kill him in front of Katie, intended as a warning not to cross Tony because he rules Tanner's Folly.   As she watched her father die, a fiery vengeance burned within her that wouldn't be quenched until she had Tony's head. Growing up without a father Katie quickly developed a talent for thievery and stealth. When she reached the age of twenty Katie began her war path. One by one she eliminated Grimlock's men until all that was left were Tony and Harvey. She went for Harvey first, taking out his guards and slitting his throat making her the new Queen of Thieves having ironically stolen the title from him and earning the respect of the guild.   With the support of her new criminal empire, Katie stormed the very house her father had robbed eight years prior and killed Tony in his bedroom before he even knew what was happening. Having avenged her father, Katie returned to Tanner's Folly to take her place as Queen of the Thieves and now lives her life on the edge of society believing in honour among thieves and valuing loyalty above all else.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Became Queen of Thieves at the age of twenty
  • Single handedly eradicated the Grimlock Gang
  • Controls the entire criminal world of Tanner's Folly


Contacts & Relations

No matter what you need, Katie likely knows a guy. She has hundreds of criminal contacts and is able to provide information for the right price.
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Year of Birth
2966 ASO 34 Years old
Current Residence
long, dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Caramel brown
120 lbs
Aligned Organization

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