Battle Of The Black Scar Military Conflict in Realm of Vasten | World Anvil
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Battle Of The Black Scar

The Conflict


This battle was a Calculated attack from Rayya Decandist on House Donao, Rayya moved her Army from Castle Greenhill into the outer shores of Wyren Swamp to get to the Stone Docks of Port Breigh to catch it.


The Army of Port Breigh Stood on an Even line, Had a deployment in the Valley of Infantry and Spearmen, Had a Set of Archers on the Mountains, and had the Cavalry on In the Valley as well.   House Decandist had Her men and Cavalry in the Valley as well as had their assassins around the Mountainside to outflank the Army of Port Breigh.


Wyren Swamp and slopes outside of Port Breigh.


Dry Cold till the Week before the end of the battle where a Huge storm came in, But that lasted only a few days.

The Engagement

The duration of the battle saw the armies fighting on several fronts. During its three month long battle, Rayya's Men dug into the swamp, even with the Bombardment with the Tredicas the men still survived. The Engagement ended after Rayya was captured By Nazim.


The End of this battle had Rayya Decandist and in turn House Decandist fall.


House Donao did not fight in another war within the Realm. They Also Took over The Kingdom of Aysel as a ward of the state for a Long time. Wyren Swamp was also Scorched for many years.

Historical Significance

House Donao Removed all History of House Decandist as well as their sister house, House Decandist-Belenos. They Took over the lands of The Kingdom of Aysel and allowed House Belenos to take over Castle Greenhill.


House Donao removed all history of the war as they had Arc's Folly left to stay in the war. So no Literature in the Western Kingdoms came to be, None came to be known if any were made in the Eastern Kingdoms.

In Literature

No known literature came out of this war.

Technological Advancement

Tredicas were used in battle for the First time help House Donao win the war.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
House Donao emerged Victorious.



Rayya had the Surprise advantage to the battle. Her Army otherwise was at a large disadvantage.
Tredicas, War Stags, War Bears, and the best Horses in the Realm Were on the Side of House Donao. The Grand Ducal Of Cardaph had the trained The Wolves of the area as well to attack and had some of the Best warriors Fight in the Battle.


421 Warriors Rayya Decandist 153 Horses
1905 humans, 39 Horses, 72 Wolves, 40 War Bears, 12 War stags died during the battle.


Leave Castle Greenhill and head north into Wyren Swamp to try to capture the Stone Docks of Port Breigh and Eventually capture Castle Darmond.
Block Rayya Decandist advance on Port Breigh through the Mountain of Port Breigh. Capture Rayya Decandist and put her in the dungeon of Port Breigh.

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