Grand Ducal Of Cardaph Organization in Realm of Vasten | World Anvil
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Grand Ducal Of Cardaph

House Cardaph holds some lands to the South of port breigh they are bannermen/ vassals for house Donao   House Cardaph is known for being very militaristic, honor full, and disciplined.   House Cardaph controls some Hamlets and the Rakanian keep. In Breigh and the area around it is pretty well known the Rakanian keeps hold a pretty high prestige military academy and many nobles try to get their sons in so they are able to study to become competent foot soldiers, and generals.   However Cardpahs are def not known to be great horse riders, although do train some calvary as well, their military academy is known for good foot soldiers and good commanding generals. (therefore higher-ranking nobles in social standing send their sons for the “commander” training mostly, less for footsoldier training since this position is considered to before lesser nobles.)   A Cardaph once told another noble under house Donao on the battlefield:
“We do not fight because we want, we do not fight because we are good at it. We fight so that one day there will be a generation of Cardaphs that will not have to.” - Cratus Cardaph
After the noble told him how fast and how disciplined a foot soldiers unit of Cardaphs was deployed.


Came to be a Noble House of House Donao after the War Of Bent Truths Due to There large influence on the war.

The Cardaph don't wage wars. They wage peace.

Founding Date
Political, Family
Family Leader
Parent Organization
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