Fang Species in Realm of Eldoria | World Anvil
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Fangs are a species of forest-dwelling creatures who all call the Jade Heart their home. Despite the appearances they can take, they all maintain a high level of intellect, same as dragons, humans, and many others. They're easily differentiated from normal forest-dwelling creatures for either their ability to speak, or their key appearance features, especially the Asiatic theme of the apparel they wear. The lifespans of Fangs are also unaffected by what species they resemble, being able to live - on average - far longer than expected. There are two different forms Fangs can be born as; feral, and demi-human. Fangs are known for their views on trust, and how they perceive and treat it - seemingly devoting their lives to those they feel truly earn it. This tradition has led other species - mostly just humans - to mistreat them and misinterpret it, as if that trust can be forced, while in reality, one of the only ways to earn a Fang's trust is to save their life.
Feral Fangs have the capability to exponentially heighten their Affinities, but to obtain this they are required to create a Blood-Link with someone they trust. On the other hand, Demi-human Fangs cannot form a Blood-Link, nor do they require one. Instead, Demi-human Fangs wield a powerful form they can transform into, known as a Beast form, which causes their Affinities to skyrocket. Demi-human Fangs have a constant build-up of Essence within them, which if not used or sealed can cause them to become severely ill. Thus, Demi-human Fangs will usually hold onto something physical which suppresses their Beast form, acting as a physical seal, containing that excess Essence. Once the Beast form is used, the wielder becomes heavily exhausted and will need to seal the form once again to rest. If the item that is used to seal the Essence is broken, it floods the Fang and can cause them to exhaust much more quickly, as well as temporarily damaging their Essence in the process. If this occurs, they can sometimes fall into a coma.

Basic Information


Fangs take upon the appearance and/or resemblance of forest-dwelling animals. Feral Fangs appear near-identical to an ordinary animal, but each has unique features that differentiate them from their non-Fang counterparts. On the other hand, Demi-human Fangs appear near-human, with only a few animal-like features - predominantly being the ears and tails. When in their Beast form, other parts of their body morph into more animalistic features.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Fangs are given Japanese names, usually with the name itself holding a meaning that relates to them in some way.
125 years
Geographic Distribution

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